During my shadowing hours in MAIN, there unfortunately has not been much traffic in the site for me to be able to garner experience dealing with all the different problems that are typically encountered. Luckily, my mentors are willing to enact scenarios with me so that I can gain a sense of professionalism in the workplace. LuLu, Ming, Yun Shi and David are all very knowledgeable and helpful with their mentoring process. Despite me being a novice, they are very understanding especially since most of them are first time Senior Consultants. Ming on the other hand is always there to offer support, but usually pushes me forth to take charge.
In TLL, David and Helen are now letting me get full reign of the desk for the hour that I am there. When I take calls or answer emails, they tell me to go at it as if I was the actual Senior Consultant on duty at the moment. I attempt to be as professional as possible, but I still doubt a lot of my skills, so I look towards the two for the occasional advice and encouragement. Helen is especially helpful, as she simulated a fake phone call requesting help when it was slow during our hour.
It is very scary to come to the realization that we only have two more weeks of classes left, and yet I still feel that there is so much more information that I should learn. Hopefully, if I do become a Senior Consultant, I will be able to get a better feel for the position while actually being on the job.
In class today, we had three presentations today that covered: TLL, Faculty Center, and Instructional Technology. I got to see all the hard work my other classmates did and how well they were able to work with one another. Initially I was afraid there would be discrepancies among us all because of our differing opinions and personalities. But seeing the collaboration among everyone was really nice and reassuring. Unfortunately, my group did not present yet; we will be presenting on the last day of classes. I am feel slightly bit apprehensive about this given that there will be so many faculty members and Senior Consultants there to also watch us. My group is still working on perfecting our presentation because I like to perform to the best of my ability.