Week 7 : 3/11


This week was my last shadowing session with Adrienne, Jenney, Jeff and Michelle. Compared to the first week that I spent with them, I definitely felt more at ease. I went in expecting to be under strict supervision and intense lecturing, but it turned out to be a very engaging learning process.  I got to see how these Senior Cons performed in a work place that they felt entirely comfortable in. I’ve only had contact with them in settings outside of work, or as a regular consultant. But I felt that as an intern, I was treated with just enough respect, and just enough kindness to go having a good experience. To see that these individuals are serious and committed to the job makes me at ease, as I am under good hands. Often as a normal consultant, I felt that there was an immense amount of apathy emanating from my fellow coworkers. Thankfully, the Senior Consultants have worked to making the work environment proper, yet fun for us all.

I do look forward to the rest of my shadowing for the remainder of the semester, only because I still feel ill-prepared at the moment to be a Senior Consultant. It might have to do with the fact that I have yet to have a serious problem or multiple confrontations with other users to make my job difficult. Regardless, I understand that the position is definitely a learning on the job kind of experience. And thus, I hope to learn even more with my new mentors.


Today we had class in the Fine Arts SINC Sites, where Frank gave an excellent information session about the important aspects that we must know. I am extremely grateful to have a coworker like Frank who is beyond competent with his job, and not to mention, passionate. He gave a thorough, albeit very intense run through of what kinds of resources the Fine Arts sites offer and what are the typical problems that we must be able to diagnose and troubleshoot. I am still quite apprehensive about having to have a working knowledge about that site, mainly because I’ve only worked there once for a sub, and do not know how to utilize Macs in the slightest. Still, it was a fun tour.

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