Week 3 : 2/12

Main SINC Site in the Melville Library


2/9 I shadowed Adrienne in the TLL lab. She started off the session by having me define the difference between a site manager and a member of Help Desk. She went in depth into the responsibilities of the Student Support Line (the importance of that being the name as opposed to TLL now). We talked about the means that users can contact the Help Desk: email, phone, walk in, and Velaro, and I got to see the TLT Student Support Line email account.  She gave a quick run down of faculty in the Lab. She ended with a few responsibilities and tasks that Senior Cons are to be expected of, such as workshops, the ADV one in particular, and the biweekly meetings and the meeting minutes.

2/10 I shadowed Steven in CRR late night. He gave a rundown of Main vs. CRR vs. TLL. I was told that after 7 PM, the Lab closes and CRR opens up for Help Desk until 12 PM. During our hour, he received 2 emails, and he gave me a overview of how to respond to emails properly, what to do with completed emails, and how to put in an ITSM ticket for resolved problems (TLT Student Support Line).

2/11 Since I hardly work in Main, Michelle went through the basics of what happens in Main, where all the supplies are behind the desk, how to handle shipment and sign off on papers if either Rose or Pam are not in, how and when to stock supplies and where OPSCAN sheets are found. She went through the list of who is who for faculty in DoIT and their responsibilities and all SINC sites and managers. She also talked about the service room and what goes on in there.

2/11 After my hour with Michelle, I shadowed David, who went through opening and closing procedures in Main with me. He spent more time telling me of the duties of a site manager since he used to manage 2 last semester. We also talked about late policies and how to properly deal with consultants should the issue of their lateness come up. We then spent some time talking about how a Senior Con should behave and handle private and work matters.




Today Tara came in to introduce us to the existence of our online presence and what constitutes such an existence. For the majority of us interns, we only have established a fledgling profile through mediums like LinkedIn, e-Portfolios and Facebook. We more so have had an online portfolio built up socially rather than professionally. Tara went in great length and depth to instill the necessity of a proper, sophisticated professional online existence due to the increasing amount of employers looking through the Internet to find out more about potential employees. One of the easiest and most accessible means to creating one is Digication. We learned that it is an e-Portfolio medium that we can still have access to even after we leave from Stony Brook. I had already spent a good 3 semesters developing my e-Portfolio through Digication due to 3 separate classes requiring it, thus, I felt Tara’s instructions were quite straightforward and easy to follow. I came to the realization again on how manageable Digication is for students, faculty and staff for creating an online portfolio to showcase one’s accomplishments, work and aspirations.

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