From Jan. 3rd to Jan 11th, I was going to KSU(Kansas State University) to work together with Prof. Vinod Kumarappan and Prof. Daniel Rolles’s group on using Timpix3 Camera with their ultrafast setup.
Students in his lab are very kind to me. Anbu helped me a lot on taking me to the campus while my flight was delayed a lot. Huynh showed me their setup and I also had a lot of fun with Suresh.
Anbu(left corner), Huynh(middle left) and Suresh(middle right).
With 3 professors: Prof. Artem Rudenko(left), Prof Vinod Kumarappan(2nd right) and Prof. Daniel Rolles(1st right)
Thanks for giving me the chance to visit your nice labs! I like my days in KSU!
chuan cheng