Author Archives: Jackie Collier

We’ll be looking for one or two new graduate students to start Fall 2020

Please contact Prof. Collier with questions!
Microbial ecology of wastewater treatment 
Like many other areas, Long Island has a long-term problem with poor on-site wastewater treatment leading to nitrogen pollution of groundwater and coastal ecosystems. The New York State Center for Clean Water Technology (CCWT, is working to solve this problem. Working with Prof. Jackie Collier and CCWT, this project offers experience in microbial community ecology using methods of rRNA barcoding and metagenomics. The work will be focused on practical applications, such as how best to provide reliable and cost-effective wastewater treatment, that are informed by theoretical considerations of microbial community assembly, such as how environmental selection and stochastic processes determine ecosystem structure and function.
Physiological ecology of labyrinthulomycetes
Although many marine biologists and oceanographers have never heard of them, labyrinthulomycetes are an abundant and diverse group of osmoheterotrophic marine protists playing important roles in marine food webs and biogeochemical cycles. Prof. Collier’s group is developing molecular genetic tools to investigate the physiological ecology of these organisms. Our goals are to use these tools to understand in more detail the complex life cycles of labyrinthulomycetes and investigate unusual aspects of their biology such as their production of carotenoids and involvement in diseases of some marine plants and animals.

Postdoctoral Opportunity! – filled but contact me if you’d like to write proposals

The Collier Lab is looking for a postdoctoral scholar, preferably with experience in genetic engineering of a model organism, to help develop new genome editing tools for the thraustochytrid Aurantiochytrium. Funded by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation’s Experimental Model Systems initiative.



Thanks to Sarah and Meleni for a fun and productive summer!

Our Simons scholar Sarah Kelso is back to her regular life after a busy (and hot) summer. Photo from the poster session below (left to right: Sabrina, Laura, Sarah, Jackie, Mariana).

Meleni Sarantos will continue working with Kylie through the academic year, looking forward to science fair season with her!


edited May 11 2020 in response to request from KB

Coming Soon in PLOS Biology

A nifty little paper describing the unique – and really fun and productive – model of collaborative science I’ve been privileged to experience as part of the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation’s Marine Microbiology Initiative Experimental Model Systems program.

@PLOSBiology @MooreFound @TN_Marine_Micro @SoMAS_SBU

Did you catch Kylie at ASM 2018?

Since this is too late to be advertising, it’ll have to just go into the bragging-on-my-students category.

Congratulations to @KylieLanglois on presenting her beautiful and fascinating poster at #asmmicrobe2018 #NYSCCWT #BetterLateThanNeverNOT