Category Archives: graduate student awesomeness

Lots of congratulations to spread around this week!

Congratulations to Kylie Langlois on winning continued support as a STRIDE Fellow! @KylieLanglois @SBSTRIDE

And congratulations to Sabrina Geraci-Yee for winning second place in the poster competition at last week’s MA-ESA meeting! #MAESA18 @sabrinargy

Nobody else wanted to be in a photo with me and this interesting artwork on the Rutgers Newark campus. Thanks to Laura Halligan for taking this photo.

Laura Halligan at her poster. Photo credit @KylieLanglois

Sabrina at her prize-winning poster! Photo credit @KylieLanglois

If you happen to be in New Orleans this week…

First: lucky you! and then second:

Kylie Langlois (@KylieLanglois) will be presenting her dissertation research on the microbial communities of nitrogen-removing biofilters at the big ACS meeting #ACSNOLA 2018; check it out!

Abstract ENVR 457, Wednesday March 21, 4pm, Room 348 of the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center @NewOrleansENMCC

This research would not be possible without the New York State Center for Clean Water Technology, CCWT