
Ashley Volz
Research Scientist, Applied DNA Sciences

MS, Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology Graduate Program, Dec 2018


Xiwei Shan Ph.D.
Post-doc in Muotri Lab at USC San Diego
Ph.D., Molecular and Cellular Biology, 2018, Stony Brook University, NY
B.S. Biotechnology, 2011, Shandong University, China


Lyl Tomlinson
AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellow (Health Scientist) at the NIH/Office of the Director
Ph.D., Program in Neuroscience, 2017, Stony Brook University, NY
Post-baccalaureate research assistant in Dr. William Brunken’s Laboratory
B.S. Psychology, 2010, City University of New York-Brooklyn College


Lara Franceschinis Tshering
Ph.D. Student, Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology Graduate Program at Stony Brook University
M.S., Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology, 2017, Stony Brook University
B.A. Pre-Medicine/Pre-Medical Studies, 2016, Sarah Lawrence College


Azeez Aranmolate
Postdoctoral Fellow in the lab of Dr. Patricia Johnson in the Department of Microbiology, Immunology & Molecular Genetics at UCLA. In 2018 Azeez received an IRACDA postdoctoral fellowship from the NIH.
Ph.D., Molecular and Cellular Biology, 2017, Stony Brook University
M.S., Molecular and Cellular Biology, 2008, Brandeis University
B.A., Biology, 2006, Brandeis University

Himanshu Sharma
Resident in Neurosurgery, Baylor College of Medicine
MD/PhD graduate, Stony Brook University School of Medicine, 2019

Ph.D., Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology, 2017
Chris Eyermann
Postdoctoral Scholar in the lab of Dr. Alice Nemajerova in the Department of Pathology at Stony Brook University
Ph.D., Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology, 2012, Stony Brook University

Freyja McClenahan

Research Fundraising Officer at the Alzheimer’s Society of the United Kingdom
Ph.D., Program in Neurosciences, 2014, Stony Brook University

Cindy Leiton                                                                                                                           
Postdoctoral Scholar in the lab of Dr. Ken Shroyer in the Department of Pathology at Stony Brook University

Ph.D., Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology, 2013, Stony Brook University

Mike Menezes
Ph.D., Physiology and Biophysics, 2015, Stony Brook University

Jenne Relucio
Intellectual Property lawyer
Michigan State Law School, 2013
Ph.D., Molecular and Cellular Biology, 2010, Stony Brook University

Iva Tzvetanova
Postdoctoral Scholar in the lab of Dr. Klaus Nave at the Max Planck Institute for Experimental Medicine, Göttingen, Germany
Ph.D., Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology, 2010, Stony Brook University

Jin Mo Kang
Jin Mo graduated in May 2018 with a B.S. degree in chemistry with a specialization in biology. During his senior year he worked closely with Andrea Arreguin, studying the role of the dystrophin-glycoprotein complex in the neural stem cell niche. Currently Jin Mo is preparing to apply for graduate school.