Stony Brook University, March 5-6, 2020


Visual Culture and Textuality in Colonial Spanish America (16th-18th century) explores the complex intersection between textual and visual artifacts in Spanish American colonial territories between 1520 and 1720, with some comparisons to Anglo America. It will bring to Stony Brook an international team of scholars to present their research on a diversity of objects and discourses produced and consumed in different spaces and contexts –such as popular festivals, churches, print shops or courtly palaces– by the viceregal society, formed by local Europeans, Indians, Blacks and mestizos. The presentations and discussions aim to advance our understanding of local and Transatlantic uses of art, texts and artifacts by elite and not elite members of the diverse ethnic nations within the Spanish Catholic Monarchy. See program.

Outcomes: After the symposium, participants will be invited to submit their work to a peer review journal  for a monographic issue on colonial Latin American visual-textual culture.

The articles were published in the peer-reviewed journal Nuevas de Indias 6 (2021), available online.

The international symposium on Visual Culture and Textuality in Colonial Spanish America (16th-18th century) forms part of an interdisciplinary research project led by Prof. Paul Firbas in the Department of Hispanic Languages and Literature (HLL) at Stony Brook University, with the support of the following Stony Brook University Professors:  Brooke Larson (History), Karen Lloyd (Art), Andrew Newman (English), Joseph Pierce (HLL/Latin American and Caribbean Studies Center), Adrián Pérez Melgosa (HLL/director of Humanities Institute) and Daniela Flesler (HLL chair). The symposium is  made possible by an award from the Faculty in the Arts, Humanities and lettered Social Sciences at Stony Brook University (FAHSS)

Detail from the engraving “The Confession of a Curaca,” Lima, 1612-1620 (Thomas B. F. Cummins, in Contested Visions, 2012, p. 222)

See poster