Tag: Resistance

Return to Normalcy by Eric Zolov

In the fall of 2019, during my Fulbright Fellowship in Chile, which coincided with a social revolution that continues to reverberate across Chilean society, a large graffiti-mural caught my attention along a wall in downtown Santiago: “Tu normalidad es privilegio!”

Photograph by Eric Zolov

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Looking Back at Forms of Protest During the Colonial Period with Baylee Browning-Atkinson. Part One: Methods of Resisting Enslavement and the 1741 Slave Uprising Conspiracy.

Immediately following the murder of Mr. George Floyd Americans took to the streets to voice their support, sorrow, frustration, anger, and disappointment in a manner and magnitude that people of my generation have not seen, and America has not seen, since the Civil Rights era.  In the midst of a global pandemic no less!  Current events have me thinking back to our early beginnings as a collection of provincial colonies clustered along the North American coast.  The First Amendment protects our most valuable rights: religion, speech, and the ability to protect these rights through peaceful assembly and petition.

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