The Career Center CRM will be a Web-based database system with an interactive user interface to manage its client relationship. Each career center staff member would have their own accounts that have specific permissions associated with each. (Unless the career center wants equal permission for each of the staff members) For instance, an admin account can add, edit and remove student organizations, staff, and faculty while a normal staff account can only add, edit, and remove their interaction with their client. In terms of the hosting and distribution model, the CRM will be a SaaS and all the information will be hosted via FileMaker.
The CRM will be suitable for the career center’s needs by being an easy-to-access website that can be accessed on any computer device. It allows users to manage contacts associated with career center staff and faculty and student groups from the university. The users can then create, or modify contacts (add, delete, store, and change contact information), and mark or add labels to the contacts. The database will be scalable with access to adding and removing clients as they come and go. Currently, it will be mainly accessible to the Stony Brook Career Center. The clients for the career center will also be separated into their own categories for modularity. In terms of security, the accounts have different permissions and data privacy will be implemented for FERPA and HIPAA. FileMaker is a stable CRM solution so stability will be ensured. The database will also be sustainable since most of the information and data will be provided and maintained by the career center.