For the most part, I prefer to take photos of objects and nature over ones of people, myself included. My mom is one of those parents who like to take pictures of their kids at any chance they got. This is where I would cover my face at the sight of a camera. I never really liked to take photos because I didn’t feel the agency that I have when creating my own portraits.
It could also be that I wanted to keep things about me to myself; the “weird” stuff. Like being really into Thomas the Tank Engine up until about third grade and only watching a select few cartoons. I would pace around, juggle things, jump around, sit in different positions. I’ve been convinced for a long time all those things about me would be repulsive to others, but have been at steady work to embrace these aspects of myself. For example, my final series of photos, where I took various shots of me in my building’s lounge. There I would recreate my little bits and moments that I’m not as ashamed of as I used to be.