Volunteer Projects
Volunteering Overview: Over the course of my life, I’ve become part of a group of fellow volunteers that participated in events that helps our local community. By volunteering, I’ve developed leadership skills, while simultaneously giving back to the community in which I live. Volunteering is something that’s very important to me as a person, and has contributed to my personal growth. Here are some of the events that I’ve participated in.
• Volunteer at Harvest for the World Soup Kitchen : As a long-time participant in my local Harvest for the World charity, I’ve taken on many different roles over the years. I help in the distribution of food and other products, such as health supplies, clothing, and toys to local families in my community that are in need. Specifically, I’ve taken a leadership role in the distribution of cooked meals by preparing certain meals and handing finished trays to to local families in the serving room. Additionally, I’m also trusted with the setup of large holiday events, such as Thanksgiving meals and Christmas gift-giving charities.
• Volunteer at the Cradle of Aviation: The Cradle of Aviation museum hosts a variety of themed events throughout the year that require additional staff to run effectively. I volunteered in the Festival of Trees, which is a Christmas-themed event that sells highly exotic Christmas trees and other ornamentals to families and donates the proceeds to help the United Cerebal Palsy Association of Nassau County. Additionally, various events such as costume characters, concerts, and museum attractions bring many local families into the facility. I managed the costume character division, making sure that the costumes were in working order and helping less-experienced volunteers with the procedure. I also volunteered when it came to wearing character costumes, leading by example to make sure that the other volunteers were also comfortable.
• Volunteer at Roosevelt Bible Church: The Roosevelt Bible Church is my primary place of worship. Working with other members of the church community, I volunteer my free Saturdays to the distribution of food in the community to local community members that are in need. This task involves a lot of teamwork in order to transport and distribute the food supplies properly.
• Respondent during Superstorm Sandy:Along with the help of other Stony Brook students, I was a telephone respondent for local areas around Stony Brook University that helped direct aid to people that were hit hard by the effects of the tropical storm. We sent trucks that carried food supplies to certain houses, and fetched further aid for those that had serious problems, such as structural damage to their homes or power outages.