This will be my final post for this blog as today is the last day my EGL 614 class will meet. I’m writing this mostly for myself, but I hope someone might come across this post who had as much… Continue Reading →
A while back, I was on Facebook, absently scrolling. I follow a page called VHS Wasteland because I love VHS tapes (don’t judge) and I like horror movies and this page seems to cater to me. I like sharing the… Continue Reading →
Though this blog post is weeks after we’ve discussed this topic in class, the idea of skeuomorph discussed in Hayes How We Became Posthuman: Virtual Bodies in Cybernetics, Literature, and Infomatics, has fascinated me all semester, to the point that I… Continue Reading →
I am a proponent of using portfolios as a major assessment method in writing classes. I believe that they are the best tools to determine progress made in writing classes when they are used as formative assessments. They show a… Continue Reading →
I read Justin A. Young’s article in Sustainable Learrning Spaces: Design, Infrastructure and Technology about the integration of The Writers’ Center at Eastern Washington University into a Learning Commons that also encompassed the library. I work as a professional writing tutor… Continue Reading →
Put your phones away and make dinner time great again!
In the world of gaming, I am more of a tourist than a participant. I have friends who game. I have watched “Let’s Play” videos on YouTube, in which gamers record themselves playing video games for others to watch. For… Continue Reading →
This week, I read “A Brief History of Cyberfeminism” by Izabella Scott. Scott opens her article by quoting Donna Haraway from A Cyborg Manifesto: “By the late 20th century, our time, a mythic time, we were chimeras, theorized and fabricated… Continue Reading →
This week, I read Dr. Sharma’s “The Third Eye: An Exhibit of Literacy Narratives From Nepal” from Stories That Speak to Us: Narratives from the Digital Archive of Literacy Narratives. A literacy narrative is a way for someone to discuss and describe… Continue Reading →
After reading Bolter and Grusin’s “Remediation,” I felt like I had read something very familiar. I felt like this was information that I already knew, but had never had the words to explain. I remember growing up as hip-hop moved out… Continue Reading →
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