Another Class, Another Dollar

Author pimprixis

Currently, I am a graduate student in the MA- English program at Stony Brook University. In another life, I am a writer from Long Island. I also tutor people to become better at the craft of writing.

Thoughts on Teaching (and Attitudes Towards Teaching) Composition In Digital Rhetoric

This will be my final post for this blog as today is the last day my EGL 614 class will meet.  I’m writing this mostly for myself, but I hope someone might come across this post who had as much… Continue Reading →

My Final Project for Digital Rhetoric

A while back, I was on Facebook, absently scrolling.  I follow a page called VHS Wasteland because I love VHS tapes (don’t judge) and I like horror movies and this page seems to cater to me.  I like sharing the… Continue Reading →

Expanding On the Idea of Skeuomorph

Though this blog post is weeks after we’ve discussed this topic in class, the idea of skeuomorph discussed in Hayes How We Became Posthuman: Virtual Bodies in Cybernetics, Literature, and Infomatics, has fascinated me all semester, to the point that I… Continue Reading →

ePortfolios, Social Media, and Other Surprises

I am a proponent of using portfolios as a major assessment method in writing classes.  I believe that they are the best tools to determine progress made in writing classes when they are used as formative assessments.  They show a… Continue Reading →

Space Isn’t Enough: Building a Culture of Collaboration Before Building The Space for Collaboration

I read Justin A. Young’s article in Sustainable Learrning Spaces: Design, Infrastructure and Technology about the integration of The Writers’ Center at Eastern Washington University into a Learning Commons that also encompassed the library.  I work as a professional writing tutor… Continue Reading →

Bonus Post! A Response to Turkle’s TED Talk

Put your phones away and make dinner time great again!

Online Gaming From the Point of View of a Tourist in the Gaming World

In the world of gaming, I am more of a tourist than a participant.  I have friends who game.  I have watched “Let’s Play” videos on YouTube, in which gamers record themselves playing video games for others to watch.  For… Continue Reading →

Molly Millions: A Possible Early Example of the Cyberfeminist in the Works of William Gibson

This week, I read “A Brief History of Cyberfeminism” by Izabella Scott.  Scott opens her article by quoting Donna Haraway from A Cyborg Manifesto: “By the late 20th century, our time, a mythic time, we were chimeras, theorized and fabricated… Continue Reading →

Rhetorical Characteristics of “The Third Eye” from the DALN

This week, I read Dr. Sharma’s “The Third Eye: An Exhibit of Literacy Narratives From Nepal” from Stories That Speak to Us: Narratives from the Digital Archive of Literacy Narratives. A literacy narrative is a way for someone to discuss and describe… Continue Reading →

Multimodality and Remediation: Remediation As Subversion

After reading Bolter and Grusin’s “Remediation,” I felt like I had read something very familiar.  I felt like this was information that I already knew, but had never had the words to explain.  I remember growing up as hip-hop moved out… Continue Reading →

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