Google Scholar – Dr. Sara Hamideh
Journal Papers
Khajehei, S., & Hamideh, S. (2023). Post-Disaster Recovery Challenges of Public Housing Residents: Lumberton, North Carolina After Hurricane Matthew. Urban Affairs Review, 10780874231167570.
Tomiczek, T., Helgeson, J., Sutley, E., Gu, D., Hamideh, S., & Crawford, P. S. (2023). A Framework for Characterizing Uncertainty Factors in Postdisaster Structural Performance Assessment Data. Natural Hazards Review, 24(1), 02522001.
Hamideh, S., Sen, P. (2022). Experiences of vulnerable households in low-attention disasters: Marshalltown, Iowa (United States) after the EF3 Tornado. Global Environmental Change, 77, 102595.
Talbot, J., Poleacovschi, C., & Hamideh, S. (2022). Socioeconomic Vulnerabilities and Housing Reconstruction in Puerto Rico After Hurricanes Irma and Maria. Natural Hazards, 1-28.
Wang, W. L., van de Lindt, J., Hartman, B., Cutler, H., Kruse, J. L., McAllister, T. P., Hamideh, S. (2022) Determination of Individual Building Performance Targets to Achieve Community-Level Social and Economic Resilience Metrics. Journal of Structural Engineering, 148(5).
Hamideh, S., Sen, P., Fischer, E. (2022). Wildfire impacts on education and healthcare: Paradise, California, after the Camp Fire. Natural Hazards, 111(353-387).
Helgeson, J., Hamideh, S., & Sutley, E. J. (2021). The Lumberton, North Carolina Flood of 2016, Wave 3: A Community Impact and Recovery-Focused Technical Investigation Following Successive Flood Events. NIST Special Publication, 1230(3).
Hamideh, S., Peacock, W. G., & Van Zandt, S. (2021). Housing type matters for pace of recovery: Evidence from Hurricane Ike. International journal of disaster risk reduction, 57, 102149.
Nofal, O. M., van der Lindt, J., Do, T. Q., Yan, G., Hamideh, S., Cox, D., Dietrich, C. (2021). Methodology for Regional Multihazard Hurricane Damage and Risk Assessment | Journal of Structural Engineering. Journal of Structural Engineering, 147(11).
Nofal, O. M., van der Lindt, J., Do, T. Q., Yan, G., Hamideh, S., Dietrich, C. (2021). Multi Hazard Hurricane Vulnerability Model to Enable Resilence Informed Decision.
Van de Lindt, J. W., Peacock, W. G., Mitrani-Reiser, J., Rosenheim, N., Deniz, D., Dillard, M., … & Fung, J. (2020). Community Resilience-Focused Technical Investigation of the 2016 Lumberton, North Carolina, Flood: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Natural Hazards Review, 21(3), 04020029.
Hamideh, S. (2020). Opportunities and Challenges of Public Participation in Post-Disaster Recovery Planning: Lessons from Galveston, TX. Natural Hazards Review, 21(4), 05020009.
Talbot, J., Poleacovschi, C., Hamideh, S., & Santos-Rivera, C. (2020). Informality in Postdisaster Reconstruction: The Role of Social Capital in Reconstruction Management in Post–Hurricane Maria Puerto Rico. Journal of Management in Engineering, 36(6), 04020074.
Sutley, E. J., & Hamideh, S. (2020). Postdisaster Housing Stages: A Markov Chain Approach to Model Sequences and Duration Based on Social Vulnerability. Risk Analysis, 40(12), 2675-2695.
Sutley, E., Hamideh, S., Dillard, M., Gu, D., Seong, K., & van de Lindt, J. (2019). Integrative Modeling of Housing Recovery as a Physical, Economic, and Social Process
Deniz, D., Sutley, E., Hamideh, S., van de Lindt, J., Peacock, W., Rosenheim, N., … & Koliou, M. (2019). Flood Performance and Dislocation Assessment for Lumberton Homes after Hurricane Matthew
Talbot, J., Poleacovschi, C., Hamideh, S., Rivera, C. (2019). Housing Recovery Through Social Capital: Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria.
Hamideh, S., & Rongerude, J. (2018). Social vulnerability and participation in disaster recovery decisions: Public housing in Galveston after Hurricane Ike. Natural Hazards, 93, 1629-1648.
van de Lindt, J. W., Peacock, W. G., Mitrani-Reiser, J., Rosenheim, N., Deniz, D., Dillard, M., … & Fung, J. (2018). The Lumberton, North Carolina Flood of 2016: A Community Resilience Focused Technical Investigation
Hamideh, S., Peacock, W., & Van Zandt, S. (2018). Housing Recovery after Disasters: Primary versus Seasonal/Vacation Housing Markets in Coastal Communities
Sutley, E. J., & Hamideh, S. (2018). An interdisciplinary system dynamics model for post-disaster housing recovery. Sustainable and resilient infrastructure, 3(3), 109-127.
Peters, D. J., Hamideh, S., Zarecor, K. E., Ghandour, M. (2018). Using entrepreneurial social infrastructure to understand smart shrinkage in small towns. Journal of Rural Studies, 64(39-49).
Hamideh, S., Rongerude, J. (2018). Social vulnerability and participation in disaster recovery decisions: public housing in Galveston after Hurricane Ike. Natural Hazards, 93(3).
Watson, M., Xiao, Y., Helgeson, J., Wu, K., Dillard, M., Hamideh, S., Sutley, E., Lindt, J. W. V. D., Koliou, K., Farokhnia, K., Barbosa, A. R., & Deniz, D. (2018). An Interdisciplinary Approach to Understanding Business Recovery after Disasters.