Never in a million years did I think that I would be writing a blog.

Long ago, I thought of bloggers as people who simply shared too much information about themselves in a narcissistic manner with the rest of the world, similar to YouTubers who felt entitled to world-wide fame. About two years ago, I started looking for information concerning my new “diet” (I had to remove wheat-based products and go gluten-free). While there is a lot of information out there, I had a difficult time finding someone “like me.” That’s when I stumbled upon the first blog I started following “Gluten-free on a Shoestring Budget.” I now follow two blogs related to my quilting hobby and one related to my love of reading. Go figure!

I obtained my BS in Elementary Education at SUNY Fredonia and then went right back part-time for my Master’s in Literacy while teaching fourth grade full-time. I finished my Master’s in 2009 and – after reading other blog post introductions – have a feeling I’m the oldest student in the “class.”

I have been an adjunct professor at Jamestown Community College (in western New York) for eight years. Currently, I teach developmental studies classes. While working on and after obtaining the Advanced Teaching Certificate in Writing from SBU, I will be teaching English Composition and (various topics in) Writing about LIterature classes.

I am a voracious reader. While my favorite genre is mystery and psychological thrillers, occasionally I enjoy a nonfiction book as well. At the time of this posting, I am reading War Dogs: Tales of Canine Heroism, History, and Love by Rebecca Frankel.

Before taking WRT 614, I have never written a blog or created any type of digital media, so this will definitely be a learning experience! But hey, nothing like diving in headfirst, right?

So! Hello, world! It’s nice to meet you! I look forward to the journey!