Scope of Work

Title:  Don’t Fall: The Game

Prospective Clients:

Physical therapy offices and athletic training facilities.


To turn an otherwise boring and non-engaging exercise into a very interactive and engaging experience.  By creating an app that listens for a signal sent from buttons on the end of the board to determine if the end of the board hits the ground and an on screen avatar walking across the log should fall.


The signal from the button would be sent to web based application which receives the signal and uses it to determine if the avatar falls or not.  The statistics would be saved per user for a therapist or trainer to determine progress defined by how long the user can stay balanced on the board and how many falls it takes for them to complete the course.

Target Audience:

This application can be used by anyone who needs to rehab any kind of knee, ankle, or nervous system injury that affects the lower body.

References/Similar Projects:

Previous projects of this concept use a Wii BalanceBoard.  This provides less of an interactive experience as the board is stationary.