
The virtual symposium “Efímero: Early Modern News Sheets and Pamphlets in the Hispanic World” has been organized under the sponsorship and collaboration of the following programs and institutions:

The Department of Hispanic Languages and Literature at Stony Brook University

The Humanities Institute at  Stony Brook University

GRIETCOH. Grupo de Investigación y Edición de Textos Coloniales Hispanoamericanos de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, proyecto “Circulación imperial y memoria de la ciudad: Diario de noticias sobresalientes en Lima” (ID 709).

The Latin American and Caribbean Studies Center (LACS) at Stony Brook University

Efimero is inscribed in a broader research project by Prof. Paul Firbas, focused on news production and networks in colonial Lima (1620-1720), which received a 2021 Faculty Fellowship from the Humanities Institute at Stony Brook University. More information here.