I can’t exactly remember when I first heard the song “I don’t want to love somebody else” by A Great Big World. I think I was trying to find other songs by a Great Big World, because I enjoyed “Say Something” so much. After hearing it I immediately fell in love with the song, and listened to it probably four times everyday. I’m not sure in particular what about the song I love so much, but it just absolutely captivates me every time I listen to it. This type of song is a bit unusual for A Great Big World, because their songs (for the most part) are much more upbeat and happy, and have both of the singers singing, and this song is slower and obviously more sad than their other stuff, and is sung only by Chad Vaccarino (which is not the person that sings “Say Something,” if you were wondering.
The song starts out with a very simple guitar part and then the vocals come in. What I love about this song, at least musically, is that all the parts individually are fairly simple, but when they are all combined, it creates something truly beautiful. I love how the moving string parts towards the end work together with the other instrumentals. The song is about some sort of heartbreak that someone has to deal with. He starts out the song by say “I built a world around you. You had me in a dream I lived in, every word you said.” These are very powerful opening lyrics. I think we’ve all felt (at one point) like someone is our entire life, and in your head you begin to build a world, even a future around them. At this point you don’t really know where the song is going, only that he “doesn’t want to love somebody else.” However as the song progresses, you begin to realize that this person he was in love with doesn’t love him anymore, or has left him in some way. He says “I shouldn’t go on hoping that one day you will change your mind and we could start again.” And despite how hopeless he feels, he keeps going to back to the line “but I don’t wanna love somebody else,” like he’s in desperation.
It’s weird. This is one of my favorite songs, but at the same time it makes me sad every time I listen to it – yet I keep coming back to it. I guess I like it so much because it seems so genuine and relatable. This song reminds me of the times when I’ve felt the same way about someone, and it hurts. But it’s almost therapeutic in a way to listen to a song that brings up these types of feelings, because it makes you more in touch with yourself.
I would recommend this song to anyone, regardless of their music taste. There’s just something about this song that I think would appeal to anyone, no matter what music they like listening to.
Also if you want a good cry then I would highly recommend this song.
That is all.
Nicely done Eli. Not sure I would agree with the statement that this song isn’t keeping with their other songs. I’m no expert but I know of several others that are sad and sweet melodic (nothing wrong with that).
Yeah there are a few that are sweet and melodic, but if you listen to the album it’s entirety I think you’ll see things differently! Also, I watch an interview of Chad and Ian talking about their music and they said so that they didn’t want “Say Something” to be a radio song because they didn’t feel like it represented their main style of music very well. For the most part, the band likes to draw their inspiration from positive emotions. (to give some example of their upbeat songs: Rock Star, Land of Opportunity, I really want it, You’ll be okay, This is the new year) (Sorry if I’m coming across angry, I’m just very passionate about this band! haha)
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