Task 3 – The Camera

This task focused on our understanding, of the basic uses of the camera. It forced us to come out of automatic mode on our camera, and fully take hold of the settings and options provided in manual mode. Allowing us to learn how to manipulate our settings for the desired picture quality. Whether bright, dark, blurred, or focused, to a host of other settings. Down below are the results.


1-3. Exposure Bracketing Demonstration.

( -2 OverExposed)

[f/4, 1/60 s, ISO 1000, 75-300mm @80 mm]

( +0 Correct)

[f/6, 1/500 s, ISO 2500, 75-300mm @80 mm]

( -5 UnderExposed)

[f/11, 1/500 s, ISO 2500, 75-300mm @80 mm]

Iso Metering:

4-5 High/Low ISO, Noise Level Demonstration.

[f/14, 1/500 s, ISO 16000, 75-300mm @80 mm (High)]

[f/4, 1/60 s, ISO 400, 75-300mm @80 mm (Low)]

White/Color Balance:

6-8. White Balance, 3 Different WB Demonstrations.



[f/4, 1/200 s, ISO 2500, 75-300mm @80 mm]

(Tungsten Light)

[f/4, 1/200 s, ISO 2500, 75-300mm @80 mm]


[f/4, 1/200 s, ISO 2500, 75-300mm @80 mm]

Shutter Speed:

9-10 Shutter Speed, Fast vs Slow Speed Demonstration.

[f/1.8, 1/500 s, ISO 800, 50mm @50 mm (Fast)]

[f/3.2, 1/8 s, ISO 100, 50mm @50 mm (Slow)]


11-12 Aperture Priority, Wide vs Narrow Depth of Feild Demonstration.

[f/1.8, 1/250 s, ISO 800, 50mm @50 mm (Shallow)]

[f/22, 1/250 s, ISO 800, 50mm @50 mm (Deep)]


Vari-Angle POV:

13-15. Angle/Point of View, Multiple Angle Demonstration.

[f/1.8, 1/250 s, ISO 800, 50mm @50 mm (Front)]

[f/5, 1/500 s, ISO 4000, 75-300mm @220 mm (Side)]

[f/4, 1/60 s, ISO 800, 75-300mm @80 mm (Far Away)]