Project 3 – Space, Place & Environment

This assignment focused on our ability to creatively capture a location. The basis was to take one or a series of locations and create not only a visual story but a somewhat dimensional awareness of the location that can be conveyed through the visuals of the photographs. Despite my inability to leave campus these past few weeks, I was able to capture a location on campus that pushed creativity to its boundaries.

The Black, The White, The Ugly

[f/4.0, 1/100 s, ISO 1000, 18-55mm @18 mm]

[f/3.5, 1/125 s, ISO 2000, 18-55mm @18 mm]

[f/3.5, 1/125 s, ISO 2000, 18-55mm @18 mm]

[f/4.0, 1/125s, ISO 2000, 18-55mm @26 mm]

[f/5.0, 1/125s, ISO 2000, 18-55mm @42 mm]

[f/3.5, 1/125 s, ISO 2000, 18-55mm @18 mm]

[f/4.0, 1/100s, ISO 1000, 18-55mm @18 mm]

[f/3.5, 1/100s, ISO 3200, 18-55mm @21 mm]

[f/4.0, 1/125s, ISO 800, 18-55mm @18 mm]

[f/3.5, 1/100s, ISO 3200, 18-55mm @18 mm]

[f/4.0, 1/125s, ISO 2000, 18-55mm @18 mm]

[f/3.5, 1/100s, ISO 3200, 18-55mm @20 mm]

[f/4.0, 1/125s, ISO 2000, 18-55mm @18 mm]