Prompt : Discuss one way in which media (photography, video, etc.) has brought positive  improvement to our lives and society, civilization …Perhaps use references to illustrate your point. Discuss critical aspects within this issue.

The basis of photography centers around the idea/emphasis of “seeing”. When you capture a photograph or video you are taking a snapshot of that moment and time and essentially prolonging it forever. Photography makes mortal things become mortal, that photo or video if preserved will live longer than the photographer and outlive mankind itself as it becomes part of history. That is one way, but i feel as if the most positive and influential aspect of photography is that it introduces us to knowing. Journalistic photography has allowed the world all around to know and to see what is going on in and around the world that we live in. It has given a medium for people to educate themselves on the issues of today. Specifically the China Muslim Concentration Camps, had we been in a day and age with no access to photography we would only hear, but photography and videography provide concrete evidence as to the plights that those people are facing. In addition to knowing photography allows us to see, a common saying says that seeing is believing, as we see we believe and as we believe it becomes an understanding (knowing). It hearkens back to the video that we watched focusing on how forensic were able to create a scene/video to portray the plights faced by the students. Had resources like that not been available we would only hear, we wouldn’t see and we wouldn’t believe. This the the biggest and major medium photography has given us.