1. Research & Context – 2

–  Peter Mckinnon

–  Matti Haapoja

–  (An Oldy)  Kohki Yamaguchi

I chose these 3 first 2 separate reasons. Peter and Matti are both professional photographers and videographers on Youtube whose content I consume a lot of and in “Youtube rewind” fashion they tend to call back throughout the year and revisit some of their work to see what they’ve learned throughout the year and where they can improve on as content creators, they also leave that video as a mark to refer back to for future references to then seen where they have grown from there. The 3rd period Kohki is another Youtuber and content creator i follow that speaks to the style and composition of photos i aspire to take, His representation is seen in the majority of the portraits I take.

( Peter McKinnon )

( Matti Haapoja )

( Kohki Yamaguchi )