ARS Photography Journal

A Gaggle of Photographs, One Photographer



Project 4 – Final Project

Growth… Goodbye Automatic…. Manual Here We Come. Exposure: 1-3. Exposure Bracketing Demonstration. ( -2 OverExposed) [f/4, 1/60 s, ISO 1000, 75-300mm @80 mm] ( +0 Correct) [f/6, 1/500 s, ISO 2500, 75-300mm @80 mm] ( -5 UnderExposed) [f/11, 1/500 s,… Continue Reading →

Discursive Prompt

Prompt : Discuss one way in which media (photography, video, etc.) has brought positive  improvement to our lives and society, civilization …Perhaps use references to illustrate your point. Discuss critical aspects within this issue. The basis of photography centers around… Continue Reading →

Research Prompt – 2 (Proposal Ideas & Process)

2. Proposal Ideas & Process When considering my focus for this final project I did come to some conflict. The conflict specifically centering on what this “focus” should be, prior to this project we were given strict guidelines and criteria… Continue Reading →

Reaserch Prompt – 1 (Research & Context) – 2

1. Research & Context – 2 –  Peter Mckinnon –  Matti Haapoja –  (An Oldy)  Kohki Yamaguchi I chose these 3 first 2 separate reasons. Peter and Matti are both professional photographers and videographers on Youtube whose content I consume… Continue Reading →

Research Prompt – 1 (Research & Context) – 1

1. Research & Context Given the focus and direction of my final project it was quite difficult to find/identify works or collages put together by artists to show their growth. However as I look at my work and the growth… Continue Reading →

Task 6 – Final Project Proposal

1. Project Title : Growth 2. Project Description : When considering my focus for this final project I did come to some conflict. The conflict specifically centering on what this “focus” should be, prior to this project we were given strict… Continue Reading →

Project 1 – Portrait & Object (Extras)

Project 1 – Portrait & Object (Extras) A compilation of extra portraits from the photoshoot that you might enjoy. Portraits Galore: [f/22, 1/60 s, ISO 100, 50mm @50 mm] [f/22, 1/60 s, ISO 100, 50mm @50 mm] [f/22, 1/60 s,… Continue Reading →

Task 5 – Edited/Constructed Image – 3

Task 5 – Edited/Constructed Image – 3 I did, one more just for fun based off of another tutorial from youtube that seemed much simpler/intuitive.

Project 3 – Space, Place & Environment

Project 3 – Space, Place & Environment This assignment focused on our ability to creatively capture a location. The basis was to take one or a series of locations and create not only a visual story but a somewhat dimensional… Continue Reading →

Project 2 – Message & Abstract

Project 2 – Message & Abstract For this assignment, we were given freedom to the content that we wanted to create. Given the un-restricted parameters, I determined to visually speak on the female menstrual cycle specifically surrounding the day a… Continue Reading →

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