
Hi everyone!

My name is April (she/her/hers) and I am a senior majoring in English. I expect to graduate in the spring and pursue a career in physical therapy. It’s way different than expected from an English major, but I’ve always been passionate about physical therapy and I’ve always loved English, so I thought why not pursue both. I currently work at two physical therapy offices and have only ever worked medical jobs such as a certified nursing assistant and medical scribe.

Fun facts about me is that I grew up in Connecticut and moved out to New York as a freshmen. I absolutely love New York compared to Connecticut because of the diversity in this state. My hobbies include going to the gym, journaling, reading, makeup, and cozying up to watch my favorite films. I am one of those people that will rewatch their favorite film 100x over. My all time favorite movies are the Harry Potter series, the Marvel series, and Me Before You. My top favorite artists are PartyNextDoor and The Weeknd.

My summer has consisted of working a lot and hanging with my friends whenever we are free. A lot of my friends have graduated this past spring and they have started their real adult lives and jobs, so it’s hard to make time now-a-days. In a few weeks, I am planning on a day trip to Baltimore with my coworkers to eat seafood. I can’t wait because I absolutely love seafood (and food in general). People always say they’re a foodie, but whenever someone asks me my motivation to get up everyday is, it’s food.

I decided to take this course because it is a requirement for the major and I have never taken a film class before. I have taken a course at Stony similar to this one, where we had to blog each week but was based more on academia and articles. It was very fun and I think this class will be the same. It will be interesting to see everyone’s different perspectives on the films we watch in class and seeing what everyone blogs about.

This is a picture of me to put a face to a name. I am the one on the right. This was taken in May with one of my girls that graduated. It’s giving scholar 😉

Me with Cat

One thought on “Introductions

  1. Hi April,

    I don’t know if you have ever had a chance to take a class in the medical humanities, but it seems like it would be right up your alley. It is outside of my area of expertise but it is an interdisciplinary field that puts medicine in conversation with the humanities–like literature. One of my very good friends in SBU’s phd program is writing her dissertation on it.

    I also definitely hear you about food. I am an avid runner and a big part of the reason why (other than the endorphins) is so that I can chow down. 🤣 I dream about food, and, fortunately for me, am married to a chef.


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