Hi Guys, My Name Is Steph :)

Hi everyone! My name is Stephanie (Steph, Stephanie, or hey you, all works for getting my attention, I work with kids so mostly I just get screamed at until my attention is refocused on them lol). My pronouns are she/her and hun/gry. I love reading and mostly this summer I have been working and trying to read through my extensive book collection and finally part with a few because after I reached the more than a couple hundred range and they began piling on the floor, I thought something has got to change. I decided to take this course not only to fulfill a requirement for my English major but because this class sounded incredibly interesting, and I have never taken a multi-media class before, and watching movies and analyzing them is already something I enjoy doing on a weekly basis. So far this summer I have watched Always Be My Maybe, The Hateful Eight, Hunt For The Wilder People, 18 Presents, Léon: The Professional, Nobody Knows I’m Here, Looper, Malcolm, and Marie, and a couple more but I’ve already listed too many. Needless to say, I am a huge fan of film and find it to be an integral part of influencing our society while also commenting upon pressing issues and bringing these issues to the forefront of our collective consciousness. And as someone who is also majoring in psychology, I find topics about who we are, why we are who we are, and what our consciousness is and where it stems from fundamentally interesting. I wish you all nothing but the best and I am crossing my fingers for all of us to get A’s. 🙂

One thought on “Hi Guys, My Name Is Steph :)

  1. Hi Steph,

    It is very nice to meet you!

    I can definitely relate to having a pile of books to read. I’ve been making my way through some this summer, but then I just end up buying more, so the pile never actually seems to get any smaller (especially because I’ve been rereading some old favorites). What are some of the books you’ve read this summer?

    I am very excited to hear that you are also majoring in psychology! You’ll definitely be able to bring some really interesting insights to the films that we’ll be watching this summer.


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