False Empathy

I once again apologize for my late post ! Still catching up a bit, but I’m eager to talk about empathy ! This topic was something I was really excited to discuss and will likely coincide with the main theme for my final project. I feel that empathy should be something that everyone has for others, though both of the pieces we watched for this class showed us otherwise.

I’m a big horror fan, so I was really excited to watch Posessor. However, it was easily one of the most disturbing things I have ever watched, and this is coming from someone who watches youtube horror series and true crime ! I immediately needed a palette cleanser after it, though I thought the story was artfully told in a pleasantly abstract way. While we’re able to understand Vos’ job and how has taken its toll on her, the way they portray her emotional disconnect and depersonalization as she “becomes” her new host. A scene I found notable was when Vos was watching her new host and slowly repeating what he said in a similar tone. While we could assume this was just another part of her job, we also see her doing this as she approaches her ex’s home. We can say Vos has empathy for those she has to kill, however this action leads me to believe that these feelings are practiced and not as genuine as I would have hoped. It reminded me of the movie Dismissed, about a young sociopath and his relationship with a professor at his school. During the big reveal (spoilers) we see old home videos of the student practicing emotional responses as a child. While this movie may be a better example for our current module, it did come to mind when I watched Vos rehearse what she was going to say.

Futurama is always a welcome reprieve after a movie like Posessor. I had mentioned the episode name to a friend (they’re a diehard fan) and they immediately knew everything that had happened. It was fun to talk about it! In the episode, Bender is implanted with an “empathy chip” so he’s able to understand Leela’s feelings better. While the episode has a happy ending and Bender is able to understand Leela (despite learning nothing) its clear that the empathy Bender was “feeling” was not genuine. This much is obvious due to the nature of the “empathy chip,” but it made me think of the “empathy” Vos tries to experience in Posessor.

Something that struck me was how Fry blamed Leela for the fact that Bender flushed himself down the toilet, a phrase I didn’t think I would ever type in an academic setting. He specifically blamed her emotions. This is something I’m definitely going to be thinking about during this current module.


One thought on “False Empathy

  1. Hellooooo! I think Vos does have genuine emotions and does feel empathy when she is in another persons body, however, her boss is trying to train her to not feel any emotions. I did think the movie was a bit creepy as well because I do watch those horror and thriller movies. This one was very skin crawling lol


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