Analysis #5 – I Forgot What The Title Was Supposed To Be. Did I Mention My Name is Al Z. Heimer?

Hello, folks.

I hope you’re doing splendtastically well. It’s the last analysis of the class. Kind of bittersweet if you ask me. But it’s also, I suppose, good for some of you that I won’t be allowed to post any of my top notch, professionally presented, High Quality Jokes™.

Well, it’s okay. We’re all bound to forget those amazing jokes anyways. Speaking of forgetting things…

Uh…hold on, give me a moment.

*pretends to look through a file that details an outline of a blog draft, even though the so-called writer never plans what to write and instead wings it*

Ah, found it. Okay, so let’s talk about memory.

I have to say, that both the movie and the episode did a great job expressing the complexity of how memory works. I want to cherrypick some small scenes that stood out to me…well, I’m kind of supposed to cherrypick scenes because…you know, assignment and all that…

Let’s start off with Marjorie Prime. I have mixed feelings towards this movie. I’m not sure how to feel towards it (oh, is that what mixed feelings mean?). In any case, if we’re talking about memories, it, undeniably, does a great job at portraying how they shift over time, and how we’re the ones that, inevitably, rewrite our own versions of how our personal histories happened. Case in point, there is a scene where Tess and Jon are talking while the latter is playing piano and drinking Scotch. Jon is talking about a student who got an A on an exam by basically saying, “I don’t feel like it” (wish this was possible in real life). Tess recalls the first time Jon told her this story by remembering the ice cream they were eating. In her memory, they were eating vanilla. Jon denies this and says it was pistachio, but Tess says, “You’re insane, it was vanilla.”

I really enjoyed how simply this scene showed that these little things such as ice cream flavors can have an effect on what you remember. Though Jon and Tess remember different ice cream flavors, they both implicitly agree that Jon had told Tess the story when they were eating ice cream. This is autobiographical memory. Perhaps Jon, in his later years, started to prefer pistachio ice cream over vanilla (which, for the record, ew), and so he rewrote the original memory with this flavor in mind. Or Tess did that with vanilla. Who knows? One thing is certain: the central idea to the memory (the story about the student) has remained the same.

It’s interesting because both of them are technically right and wrong at the same time. Sure, maybe it was vanilla, but does that make the story false? Nope. Same thing goes if the flavor was pistachio. Definitely a cool way of showing that, sometimes, there is no objective right or wrong when it comes to memory.

Star Trek, on the other hand, focused on the value of memory. I generally love seeing android characters defending their right to existence. This episode was thematically reminiscent of a video game called SOMA that tackles the same kind of idea of “are machines capable of feeling?” If you like video games, please give SOMA a chance. It will not disappoint you.

Basically, Data’s life is threatened. He is to be taken and dismantled and used in a dangerous experiment. Apparently, the researcher (whose name I have forgotten because he pissed me off with his pompousness) claims that Data will have his memories intact. However, Data says he will lose “the flavor of the moment”. He makes an example of this by sharing how he read books about chance and probability, only to lose a poker game, which is an experience he is able to cherish and attach, not only to the people around him, but also to the act of learning about something only to be shown that textbook knowledge isn’t enough. If he simply gets these memories wired into him after he gets re-assembled, it’ll be like reading through a textbook, not really adding anything to that knowledge.

I adore this analogy, because it’s like knowing something without knowing why or how you know it. I have had moments where I just simply know things without understanding how I came across that information. It happens. Maybe I picked it up at school and forgot how I did so. Now imagine if all your memories were like that. It’d be…terrible, to say the least. You’d be disconnected from everything you remember.

I, personally, would have an existential crisis. I wouldn’t feel any form of emotional attachment to the memories of me getting my first electric guitar, or coming to the United States and leaving the place I’ve called home for 16 years, or eating my first Italian pizza in Rome, or laughing with my friends. I’d just know I did these things, and any form of emotion would be gone.

The Star Trek episode really made me appreciate my memories more, both the sad and happy ones. They have all shaped me as a person, affected my thinking, brightened and darkened my days. They have a grander purpose than just them being reminders of what you have done.


Hello, folks.

I hope you’re doing splendtastically well. It’s the last analysis of the class. Kind of bittersweet if you ask me.

Wait…hold on…I feel like I’ve said this already.

You know, just in case I have, I will just call it a day.

Thank you so much for reading, folks. I have enjoyed going through your blog posts and reading about your opinions and experiences.



4 thoughts on “Analysis #5 – I Forgot What The Title Was Supposed To Be. Did I Mention My Name is Al Z. Heimer?

  1. Hi Guga,

    I love your reading of the scene in Marjorie Prime where Tess and Jon discuss their memories of the first time that he told her the story about Gertrude Stein declining to take the final exam in his philosophy class. This gets to some of the issues of “good memory” that I discussed in the VT for this module. Although we think about memory in terms of “accuracy” that’s not always share the same gist or spirit of the memory, even if they are, for whatever reason, confusing some of the details (maybe confusing that conversation with a different one over vanilla or pistachio ice cream).

    Great observation about the importance of emotion when it comes to memory. That “flavor” as Data calls it is an essential part of the memory—which makes sense especially if you consider one of the central ideas that we’ve discussed in this class: emotions are an essential part of our cognition. Because our emotions help us to make sense of the world, they also help us to make sense of our memories. Those memories that you listed (moving, eating delicious Italian pizza, etc) would be fundamentally different without the emotions that you experienced at the time or the emotions that you feel as you remember them.


  2. Hi Guga,
    I think the scene where Tess and Jon are talking about the ice cream flavors that you touched upon really highlighted how memory is always changing. As you mentioned, each character believes their version of the story is right because of how they remembered it over the years. I have an older sister and there are so many times when we argue over something that we both remembered differently. You make a good point about the Star Trek episode and how it emphasizes the importance and value that emotions have in unison with our memories. It’s not just the actions that take place, but the feelings we have while doing things and interacting with others. It creates relationships between people.


  3. Hey Guga!
    I definitely understand your mixed feelings regarding the film Marjorie Prime. I… wasn’t a huge fan, but it did have interesting concepts. Very interesting how you brought up the piano scene. I wrote about the part in which Tess discusses how memory works (we remember the last time we remembered something, not the source). However, the ice cream part is a good point. They had a solid repisodic memory, not episodic. They couldn’t validate the tiny details of the event, the ice cream flavor, but they generally knew what happened.

    I love video games, so I might have to look into SOMA! I’m very behind when it comes to sci-fi games, I’m stuck in the horror genre haha. The pompous a-hole is named Commander Bruce Maddox. I mentioned the same scene. You’re so correct that when we don’t know why we know something, it loses the flavor. There’s no context nor emotional context. It would definitely suck without it because life would feel meaningless.

    I very much enjoyed your blogs this summer, Guga. Good luck in the fall with classes!


  4. Well, Howdy Guga!

    I must say as a person who came into this class as a sci-fi newbie I will take you up on that offer for SOMA, I don’t play video games perse but I love the art form and love to watch people playing so thank you for the recommendation :).

    Anywho, the detachment of emotion would have definitely come in Data had let the procedure proceed as planned, and without emotion, memory is as round and dynamic as a piece of cardboard. Memories are stored everywhere in our brains depending on what location we used most when the memory was being formed, and the sensations and emotions tagalong. Without them, it would be like reading the book of someone else’s life.

    And I see your point about the ice cream, in the end, does it really matter what ice cream they ate as long as the one they both think they ate brings them joy to think about eating? Memory can be wrong but also ignite the correct emotional responses we felt at the time. Humans are weird bro.

    Anyway, amazing job as always and I wish you no emotional breakdowns and a lovely semester with your very cute looking cat 🙂


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