In this week’s module, the film Marjorie Prime and the Star Trek episode “Measure of a Man” demonstrates how memory can be remembered in different ways and how it can explain who a person is. In Marjorie Prime we learn about how Alzheimer’s plays with your memory. Alzheimer’s is a horrible disease. As someone who has multiple family members who has this disease, firsthand I can honestly say it’s terrifying. Since there is no cure, the best thing anyone can do for them is giving them the best years, the months, and the days they have left.
Marjorie Prime the movie is quite interesting. Right in the beginning of the movie, we are introduced to the main characters, Marjorie, and Walter. Marjorie prime is 86-year-old women who has Alzheimer’s and Walter Prime is a hologram of her late husband. As someone who understands Alzheimer’s very well, I have learned that the people with Alzheimer’s last memory to go is their significant others. First would be people they once met, then it would be friends, followed by cousins, and lastly would be their children than significant others. Marjorie gets to live her last couple of days talking to her late husband and reliving all their memories together.

In the film, there is a particular scene that Tess states, “When you remember something, you remember the memory. You remember the last time you remembered it, not the source. So, it’s always getting fuzzier, like a photocopy of a photocopy……even a very strong memory can be unreliable because it’s always in the process of dissolving”. This to me made understand what the voice thread was explaining in memory. Memory is constructed not recorded or stored in the mind but built in the mind. Memory is a complex, it’s not just black and white. By talking to her late husband its possibly the best way of remembering her emotions. Memory and emotions work hand in hand. We have a better chance of remembering a happy emotional memory than a sad memory. Connecting this back to Inside out, we learn that all her memories were stored as a happy and a sad memory and with each memory she felt a different emotion attached to it. Which is why when joy felt like she needed to feel that emotion again she brought up the sad and happy emotions. In the voice thread we talked about affect priming, the influence of emotion what we pay attention to and remember. Marjorie remembers how she felt during these memories that Walter speaks about. but remembering how she felt during that memory she than starts remembering the memory by understanding the emotion she felt with Walter help.
Extended cognition is shown thru out the movie. Walter Prime the hologram would be considered an extended cognition example because they use “the brain, body, external tools and technology, interpersonal and social supports, and culture create complex and interactions that form a cognitive system”. Marjorie prime can talk to her late husband by having Tess and her husband talks about what memories and fills in details for Walter to be realistic. By using all these components, Marjorie can speak to Walter in a way that many of us wish we could do with loved ones who have passed away. We see that when Walter learns something new, he states “I’ll remember that next time”. Showing how he is just going to remember what he was told, he does not actually that build the memory because it’s not his memory, it’s just a story.

Star Trek episode “Measure of a Man” was my favorite star trek episode so far. Data is the focus of this episode. Quickly in the episode we find out that data is a robot and not human. As we have found out in multiple texts in this semester, robots don’t have their own memory or emotions. His memory would not be his own without any emotion to it. But to everyone Data was more than a robot, he was family. Data was being called an IT, when to me an IT is something that doesn’t feel emotion, Like a tree. but, Data did have emotions and he had his memories. He was no star-trek “property”. History has always showed us that us humans can be judgmental and always need to put down someone. If it wasn’t people of color then it had to be people of religious beliefs. In this case, it was a robot, but a robot who felt more than any of them. all his memories had deep emotion attached to it. That to me is more human than any of them.