Course Schedule

Course Schedule

Date Film Assignments
Module #1: Introductions
Thursday, 7/7, by 11:59:
Syllabus Quiz
Register for Class Blog
Sign Up for Accountability GroupSunday 7/10, by 11:59:
Film Term Glossary EntryBlog post introduction (250 words): Tell us a little bit about yourself! Please include the name you would like us all to use, as well as your pronouns. In addition, let us know about any interest, hobbies, summer plans, etc. you have. In addition, I’d like for you to also include a bit about why you selected to take this class and what you are hoping to get out of the course.
Module #2:
4-E Cognition
“Out of the Past” Altered Carbon


“Return to Tomorrow.” Star Trek: The Original Series


“The Day the Earth Stood Stupid.” Futurama

Tuesday, 7/12, by 11:59 pm:
VoiceThread: Watch the video lecture and then click the “Submit” button.
Thursday, 7/14, by 11:59 pm:
Analysis Blog Post #1: In this week’s VoiceThread, you learned about some of the different ways that the mind has been theorized by philosophers and scientists. In addition, you watched three television episodes that offered different representations of the mind, the brain, and the body.  Select one or two scenes from each of these episodes and do a close reading, connecting the scene to what you learned about in the VoiceThread lecture. Consider the approaches to thinking about the mind and the brain outlined in the lecture. Which of these approaches does the scene(s) you selected take? How do these texts understand the mind and consciousness? Where is it located? How are bodies talked about in the episodes—and what seems to be the relationship between mind and body? Do we see cognition as embedded or enacted? Is it extended through any of the science fiction technology featured in the scene?
Please note that you are not required to answer all of these questions in your blog response. The questions are meant as a starting or jumping off point. Try to put the scenes you selected in conversation with each other and the material from the VoiceThread. I encourage you to explore the aspects of episodes that were of most interest to you—just remember to explicitly connect your analysis to the VoiceThread lecture.Saturday, 7/16, by 11:59 pm:
Blog Comments: Please respond to 2 members of your accountability group. Comments should be at least 100 words.****Accountability Group Forms****
Module #3:
Embodied Cognition and Empathy
Possessor (2020)

“I Second that Emotion.” Futurama


Monday, 7/18, by 11:59:
VoiceThread: Watch the video lecture and then click the “Submit” button.Wednesday, 7/20, by 11:59 pm:
Analysis Blog Post #2: In this week’s VoiceThread, we learned about Theory of Mind, Empathy, and Embodied Cognition. How are these ideas explored in Possessor and “I Second that Emotion.” Select a scene or two from each of these texts to analyze. How is theory of mind demonstrated or explored in them? What do they seem to be suggesting about empathy and its role in our interactions with other? What roles does the body play in our understanding of other people and ourselves? What is the relationship between the mind and body? How are identity, the body, and empathy connected?
Please note that you are not required to answer all of these questions in your blog response. The questions are meant as a starting or jumping off point. Try to put the scenes you selected in conversation with each other and the material from the VoiceThread. I encourage you to explore the aspects of episodes that were of most interest to you—just remember to explicitly connect your analysis to the VoiceThread lecture.Friday, 7/22, by 11:59 pm:
Blog Comments: Please respond to 2 members of your accountability group. Comments should be at least 100 words.
Module #4:
Cognitive Linguistics



Arrival (2016)

“Darmok” Star Trek: The Next Generation






Sunday, 7/24, by 11:59 pm:
VoiceThread: Watch the video lecture and then click the “Submit” button.Tuesday, 7/26, by 11:59 pm:
Blog Post #3: This week’s VoiceThread and films focused on the relationship between mind, language, body, and communication. How does what you learned about cognitive linguistics relate to the film and television episode you watched for this week? Select one to two scenes from each text to do a close reading of. What is the relationship between language, culture, and the body in these films? How are conceptual metaphors referenced and explored? How are these different conceptual metaphors anchored in body and cultural and social experience? What role do conceptual frames play in our ability to communicate and make meaning? What is the effect of shifting ones cognitive frames and conceptual metaphors? How is the linguistic/conceptual system represented in these texts?
Please note that you are not required to answer all of these questions in your blog response. The questions are meant as a starting or jumping off point. Try to put the scenes you selected in conversation with each other and the material from the VoiceThread. I encourage you to explore the aspects of episodes that were of most interest to you—just remember to explicitly connect your analysis to the VoiceThread lecture.Thursday, 7/28, by 11:59 pm:
Blog Comments: Please respond to 2 members of your accountability group. Comments should be at least 100 words.
Module #5:
 Inside Out (2015)

“Man of the People” Star Trek: The Next Generation


Saturday, 7/30, by 11:59 pm:
VoiceThread: Watch the video lecture and then click the “Submit” button.Monday, 8/1, by 11:59 pm:
Blog Post #4: This week, you learned about different theories of emotions. In the VoiceThread lecture I talked about the way in which emotions function as part of our cognitive system and are inseparable from it. I also introduced you to the Theory of Constructed Emotion, which maintains that emotions are not something that happens to you, but that you create. Select one or two scenes from the texts that you watched this week. How are emotions represented in these texts? What is the relationship between emotions, mind, and body? Are emotions presented as something that happens to us or something we construct? Are emotions basic and universal or varied and culturally specific? What the relationship between emotions and cognition? How do we know, understand, and experience the emotions of others?
Please note that you are not required to answer all of these questions in your blog response. The questions are meant as a starting or jumping off point. Try to put the scenes you selected in conversation with each other and the material from the VoiceThread. I encourage you to explore the aspects of episodes that were of most interest to you—just remember to explicitly connect your analysis to the VoiceThread lecture.Wednesday, 8/3, by 11:59 pm:
Blog Comments: Please respond to 2 members of your accountability group. Comments should be at least 100 words.
Module #6:
Marjorie Prime (2017)

“Measure of a Man” Star Trek: The Next Generation

Friday, 8/5, by 11:59 pm:
VoiceThread: Watch the video lecture and then click the “Submit” button.Monday, 8/8, by 11:59 pm:
Blog Post #5: This week in our VoiceThread, I discussed different theories about memory, particularly as it is tied to the autobiographical self. Select a scene or two from each of the texts you watched this week and do a close reading of. How is memory represented or discussed in each of these? How do we see memory being extended through and offloaded onto the environment? How does memory relate to the construction of the self? What are the social dimensions of memory and remembering? What is the relationship between memory and emotion? For your post this week, you might also want to reference our film from last week, Inside Out, which also addressed the theme of memory and emotion.
As always, please note that you are not required to answer all of these questions in your blog response. The questions are meant as a starting or jumping off point. Try to put the scenes you selected in conversation with each other and the material from the VoiceThread. I encourage you to explore the aspects of episodes that were of most interest to you—just remember to explicitly connect your analysis to the VoiceThread lecture.Wednesday, 8/10, by 11:59 pm:
Blog Comments: Please respond to 2 members of your accountability group. Comments should be at least 100 words.
Module #7:
Final Project
No film Saturday, 8/13, by 11:59 pm:
*****Accountability Group Meeting******Tuesday, 8/15, by 11:59 pm:
*******Final Projects Due******