Tag Archives: ePortfolio

What students are saying about ePortfolio

“As I have grown as a person, my ePortfolio has grown in the same manner.” – Aman Mundra. This is one of the many things students are saying about eportfolios. Follow the link to the video to learn more:

For students who have ePortfolios, it’s heartwarming to learn that employers are actually looking at ePortfolios in the hiring process. President of Wabash Valley College, Matt Fowler stated “An employer with 6000 employees said eportfolios are ‘the difference between having a first and second interview. It’s like being on the second interview’. 

Put yourself in the shoes of an employer. What general skills are you looking for in a candidate, and would you consider searching an applicant on Google? Would finding an applicant with an ePortfolio put him at an advantage to someone who just posts on social networks?

What are your thoughts?


Team ePortfolio Blog Power!

Greetings Team ePortfolio!

Welcome to our Brainstormers Blog.  We will use this on a daily basis to communicate our activities, projects, ideas, suggestions, and general chatter.  Each one of you will maintain a personal blog/ blogs and promote this with faculty and students.  The blogs can be used for many different purposes.  We want to brainstorm and research uses in the classroom and with clubs/organizations.  Also, we need to outline the difference between an eportfolio and a blog.  HINT:  a blog can be a component of an eportfolio.  Though this system could be used as a personal eportfolio, we need to keep the integrative eportfolios on Digication.  Why?  Remember the assessment back end of Digication. The two systems and formats can be married. How?  Here are your assignments over break:

  1. Start you own blog.  Google examples of other Edublogs.  I have a Edublog at http://eportfoliopractice.edublogs.org .  I haven’t been updating it.  This system (you.stonybrook.edu) belongs to Stony Brook, but doesn’t reside on a campus computer. It’s Cloud.
  2. We need to gather help instructions.  Go to http://help.edublogs.org .  How can we personalize this information?
  3. Start posting blogs and reply to one another.  I want you to check the blog daily during the week.  Look at the Categories and Tags.  Make sure you assign your posts to a category and/or tag.  BTW, Yo Gabba is our relaxed chat. Nicole, you’re in charge of the Yo Gabba page.
  4. Start brainstorming ways to promote the blogs.

You all are administrators.  Start designing and learning the navigation of our Team ePortfolio site. We’re in the pilot stages with the system. Recruit others to start their own blog, but make sure they understand the system is in the developmental stages. They can be part of the pilot.

WARNING: The following is an experiment on pasting embedding code on posts You’ll be learning HTML. Here’s the link – http://youtu.be/sLSpXaokFkc Let’s see if it works.

Working theme song of Team ePortfolio!
It worked!
Questions …. Thoughts …. Comments …. Ideas! Let’s BLOG! Go Gabba Gabba!

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