3d Still

Used textures and bump maps to give my object some life, included a beachball and water to give the illusion that the object is on the water. The lighting was used to give a sunset like shine to the scene, the late hours of the day, for the Camera Obscura to bask in.

3D Object


Smooth shading eliminated detail of the front of the cylinder side of the object, couldn’t find a way to get detail back, supposed to be wood panelling.

Icon Set

Pictured above is the Icon set for my client. My client needs the icons to be very simple and understood in order to articulate his thoughts and messages to the users, especially users in which do not all speak the same language, these icons transcend language and can be understood by nearly anyone who views them. The logo is similar to the icons by virtue of using rounded edges when possible, especially around the edges of the icons.