Kiana Lom

video Info
  • Artist Statement

    I am a senior at Stony Brook University. As an artist, I enjoy blending reality with fantasy in a storytelling style. My imagery uses themes of identity, folklore, culture, and fable. My motivation started as a child living in Costa Rica. After my father died, hardship befell my family and I was forced to work hard from the young age of 12 to survive. To endure, I began writing and painting stories that would bring me much needed distraction by channeling my creative energy and give me hope for change.

    My motto:

    “As long as there is life to live, change is always a possibility.”

    Much of my artwork is inspired by dreams. I use symbolism to illustrate thoughts, ideas, and emotions. Metaphors and scenes used in my writing are translated visually and then become a part of my collective imagery. Writing influences my art, and my art illustrates my stories. My preferred mediums include lithography, woodcut, linoleum, oil paint, and mixed media collage.

    The Arboreal Theater is a long term project to illustrate a story that speaks about intersectional cultural and religious practices in rural Costa Rica.  Belief and fantasy are blended together in this story of transformation.  Here are three examples  of this 20 image series:

    La Iglesia Santa Barbara Fall 2020, Size: 28x 22, Medium: Lithography & Linoleum.

    La Iglesia Santa Barbara Fall 2020, Size: 28x 22, Medium: Lithography & Linoleum.

    Jesus se cae, Fall 2020, Size: 28x 22, Medium: Lithography & Linoleum.

    Jesus Se Cae, Fall 2020, Size: 28x 22, Medium: Lithography & Linoleum.

    La Sala, Fall 2020, Size: 28x 22, Medium: Lithography

    La Sala Fall 2020, Size: 28x 22, Medium: Lithography