Course Information

Course Designators

ACH 275/276, GLS 275/276, HDV 275/276, ITS 275/276, LDS 275/276, or SSO 275/276

Course Title

Undergraduate College Fellows Seminar (275) / Teaching Practicum (276)

Course Descriptions

College Fellows will enroll in the 275 seminar course in the spring semester of their freshman year and the 276 practicum course in the fall semester of their sophomore year.

  • 275 (spring) engages students in four main content areas: student development theory, scholarship on mentoring and leadership development, concepts of teaching and learning, and programming and event planning. These areas prepare students for supervised learning and teaching experiences that will occur primarily in the fall 276 course.
    • Prerequisites: Grade of “S” in their First Year Seminar 101 and a strong desire to help other students. At the conclusion of the fall semester students must have a semester and cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher (3.0 for University Scholars) with no grades of NR, I, or Q and must be in good judicial standing.  Enrollment in the corresponding Undergraduate College; permission of the instructor.
  • 276 (fall) is the second semester in the sequence following 275. Students assume higher responsibility and are given opportunities to apply teaching theories and concepts as learned in 275. Students act as a TA for a Freshman Seminar course for the respective Undergraduate College.
    • Prerequisites: Grade of “S” in UGC 275 Fellows Seminar. Have taken and earned a grade of C or higher in First Year Seminar 102. At the conclusion of the spring semester students must have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher (3.0 for University Scholars) with no grades of NR, I, or Q and must be in good judicial standing.  Enrollment in the corresponding Undergraduate College; permission of the instructor.

NOTE: Students register for the appropriate designator for their Undergraduate College and will receive 1-credit each in the Spring (275) and Fall (276); S/U grading scale.