Ph.D. 2002
Bioavailability of sediment-bound metals to two marine bivalves.
Publications from work done at Stony Brook:
Wang, W.-X., S.B. Griscom, and N.S. Fisher. 1997. Bioavailability of Cr(III) and Cr(VI) to marine mussels from solute and particulate pathways. Environmental Science and Technology 31: 603-611.
Griscom, S.B., N.S. Fisher, and S.N. Luoma. 2000. Geochemical influences on assimilation of sediment-bound metals in clams and mussels. Environmental Science and Technology 34: 91-99.
B.-G. Lee, S.B. Griscom, J.-S. Lee, H.J. Choi, C.-H. Koh, S.N. Luoma, and N.S. Fisher. 2000. Influences of dietary uptake and reactive sulfides on metal bioavailability from aquatic sediments. Science 287: 282-284.
Griscom, S.B., N.S. Fisher, R.C. Aller, and B.-G. Lee. 2002. Effects of gut chemistry in marine bivalves on the assimilation of metals from ingested sediment particles. Journal of Marine Research 60: 101-120.
Griscom, S.B., and N.S. Fisher. 2002. Uptake of dissolved Ag, Cd, and Co by the clam, Macoma balthica: relative importance of overlying water, oxic pore water and burrow water. Environmental Science and Technology 36: 2471-2478.
Griscom, S.B., N.S. Fisher, and S.N. Luoma. 2002. Kinetic modeling of Ag, Cd and Co bioaccumulation in the clam Macoma balthica; quantifying dietary and dissolved sources. Marine Ecology Progress Series 240: 127-141.
Griscom, S.B., and N.S. Fisher. 2004. Bioavailability of sediment-bound metals to marine bivalve molluscs: an overview. Estuaries 27: 826-838.