Wen-Xiong Wang

Ph.D.  1996
Accumulation and retention of trace elements in the mussel Mytilus edulis.

Currently at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


Publications from work done at Stony Brook:

Hutchins, D.A., W.-X. Wang, and N.S. Fisher.  1995.  Copepod grazing and the biogeochemical fate of diatom iron.  Limnology and Oceanography 40: 989-994.

Wang, W.-X., N.S. Fisher, and S.N. Luoma.  1995.  Assimilation of trace elements ingested by the mussel Mytilus edulis: effects of algal food abundance.  Marine Ecology Progress Series 129: 165-176.

Wang, W.-X., J.R. Reinfelder, B.-G. Lee, and N.S. Fisher.  1996.  Assimilation and regeneration of trace elements by marine copepods.  Limnology and Oceanography  41: 70-81.

Wang, W.-X., and N.S. Fisher. 1996.  Assimilation of trace elements and carbon by the musselMytilus edulis: effects of food composition.  Limnology and Oceanography 41: 197-207.

Wang, W.-X., and N.S. Fisher.  1996.  Assimilation of trace elements by the mussel Mytilus edulis: effects of diatom chemical composition.  Marine Biology 125: 715-724.

Wang, W.-X., N.S. Fisher, and S.N. Luoma.  1996.  Kinetic determinations of trace element bioaccumulation in the mussel Mytilus edulis.  Marine Ecology Progress Series 140: 91-113.

Fisher, N.S., J.-L. Teyssié, S.W. Fowler, and W.-X. Wang.  1996.  Accumulation and retention of metals in mussels from food and water: a comparison under field and laboratory conditions.  Environmental Science and Technology 30: 3232-3242.

Wang, W.-X., S.B. Griscom, and N.S. Fisher.  1997.  Bioavailability of Cr(III) and Cr(VI) to marine mussels from solute and particulate pathways.  Environmental Science and Technology 31: 603-611.

Wang, W.-X., and N.S. Fisher.  1997.  Modeling metal bioavailability for marine mussels.  Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 151: 39-65.

Wang, W.-X., and N.S. Fisher.  1997.  Kinetic modeling of metal accumulation in marine mussels: using radiotracers for measuring critical parameters.  Radioprotection Colloques 32: C2-339-C2-344.

Wang, W.-X., and N.S. Fisher.  1997.  Modeling the influence of body size on trace element accumulation in the mussel Mytilus edulis.  Marine Ecology Progress Series 161: 103-115.

Reinfelder, J.R., W.-X. Wang, S.N. Luoma, and N.S. Fisher.  1997.  Assimilation efficiencies and turnover rates of trace elements in marine bivalves: a comparison of oysters, clams, and mussels.  Marine Biology 129: 443-452.

Fisher, N.S., and W.-X. Wang.  1998.  The trophic transfer of silver to marine herbivores: a review of recent studies.  Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 17: 562-571.

Wang, W.-X., and N.S. Fisher.  1998.  Accumulation of trace elements in a marine copepod.  Limnology and Oceanography 43: 273-283.

Fisher, N.S., W.-X. Wang, and S.N. Luoma.  1998.  Modeling the bioaccumulation of trace metals in marine herbivores.  Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer. Medit. 35: 254-255.

Wang, W.-X., and N.S. Fisher.  1998.  Excretion of trace elements by marine copepods and their  bioavailability to diatoms.  Journal of Marine Research 56: 713-729.

Wang, W.-X., I. Stupakoff, C. Gagnon, and N.S. Fisher.  1998.  Bioavailability of inorganic and methylmercury to a marine deposit-feeding polychaete.  Environmental Science and Technology 32: 2564-2571.

Reinfelder, J.R., N.S. Fisher, S.N. Luoma, J.W. Nichols, and W.-X. Wang.  1998.  Trace element trophic transfer in aquatic organisms: a critique of the kinetic model approach.  Science of the Total Environment 219: 117-135.

Wang, W.-X., I. Stupakoff, and N.S. Fisher.  1999.   Bioavailability of dissolved and sediment-bound metals to a marine deposit-feeding polychaete.  Marine Ecology Progress Series 178: 281-293.

Wang, W.-X., and N.S. Fisher.   1999.  Effects of calcium and metabolic inhibitors on trace element uptake in two marine bivalves.  Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 236: 149-164.

Spencer, M., N.S. Fisher, and W.-X. Wang.  1999.  Exploring the effects of consumer-resource dynamics on contaminant bioaccumulation by aquatic herbivores.  Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 18: 1582-1590.

Wang, W.-X., and N.S. Fisher.  1999.  Assimilation efficiencies of chemical contaminants in aquatic invertebrates: a synthesis.  Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 18: 2034-2045.

Hutchins, D.A., W.-X. Wang, M.A. Schmidt, and N.S. Fisher.  1999.  Dual-labeling techniques for trace metal biogeochemical investigations in aquatic plankton communities.  Aquatic Microbial Ecology 19: 129-138.

Wang, W.-X., and N.S. Fisher.  1999.  Delineating metal accumulation pathways for aquatic invertebrates.  Science of the Total Environment 237/238: 459-472.

Fisher, N.S., I. Stupakoff, S.A. Sañudo-Wilhelmy, W.-X. Wang, J.-L. Teyssié, S.W. Fowler, and J. Crusius.  2000.  Trace metals in marine copepods: a field test of a bioaccumulation model coupled to laboratory uptake kinetics data.  Marine Ecology Progress Series 194: 211-218.

Spencer, M., N.S. Fisher, W.-X. Wang, and S. Ferson.  2001.  Temporal variability and ignorance in Monte Carlo contaminant bioaccumulation models: a case study with selenium in Mytilus edulis.  Risk Analysis 21: 383-394.