Stuart Balius
Stuart has lived in the Pittsburgh, PA, Washington, D.C. and Baltimore MD metropolitan areas. Currently he is living and working on Long Island, NY. After receiving a degree in Anthropology, he worked as a field archeologist on multiple sites throughout the mid-Atlantic region. During this time, he also developed an interest in ecology and the ways in which industry has affected the places in which he lived and worked. All these experiences and interests have influenced his art. He is currently interested in examining environmental issues that he experienced living in the fallout of postindustrial Southwestern PA. He uses a variety of media and techniques to explore these issues through painting, printmaking and sculpture.
Artist Statement:
Through my art I am exploring the ecological tragedies of the postindustrial Rust Belt. I have examined the environmental issues that served as a backdrop to my life and how they have affected the way I feel and experience the world. To express this, I experimented with abstraction, texture and depth to connect the work to the burdens that many communities are facing because of the industrial nature of their past.
My thesis project is composed of a video documenting multiple, neglected industrial sites projected onto a textured screen. and a series of collagraphs and paintings. The theme of the work is centered around American throwaway culture as well as the glass, steel and coal industries that loom so large in my former home of Southwestern Pennsylvania. Through these works I am showing others my experience and thoughts on these toxic monuments to the past.
Spilling Over, 2020
Collagraph Print
Spread Ever Outward, 2020
Collagraph Print
Reclaiming, 2021
Collagraph Print
Disintegrating, 2021
Collagraph Print
Wastesylvania, 2021
Mixed Media Painting and Film
Unnamed Tributary, 2021
Mixed Media Painting
Exham Priory, 2021
Mixed Media Painting
Dust to Dust, 2021
Mixed Media Painting
Magee’s Profit, 2021
Mixed Media Painting
Moldering Brick, 2021
Mixed Media Painting
Oil in the Estuary, 2021
Mixed Media Painting
Man in the Tree, 2021
Collagraph Print
Eroding, 2021
Collagraph Print
Oozing up the Ladder, 2021
Collagraph Print
Arco Screen, 2021
Mixed Media Sculpture
Magee Mine, 2021
Objects Found on Site
40.21° N, 79.68° W, 270 M
Westmoreland Glass Company, 2021
Objects Found on Site
40.33° N, 79.62°W, 320 M
My Parents’ Abode, 2021
Objects Found on Site
39.70° N, 77.33° W, 182 M
Nassau Hall Studio, 2021
Objects Found on Site
40.90°N, 73.12° W, 65M