
Living as a Modern Minimalist

Month: July 2022

Why We Should Pause and Look at the Night Sky


When was the last time you looked at the stars? Throughout human history, the sky has been a symbol of the great unknown and a window to a higher power. However, we often get caught up in our busy lives and forgot about the wonder of the universe right above our heads. Here are some reasons why you should take a moment and admire the night sky.

The best things in life are free

Unlike the movies or a visit to the planetarium, it costs you nothing to look up at the skies. You can access the sky from anywhere in the world and there is no limit to the amount of time you can spend; you could even sleep under the stars if you like. Even ten minutes of gazing at the night sky can be more relaxing than a massage or a guided meditation.

Our lives are hectic. We busy ourselves pursuing money and possessions that often do not bring contentment. Stargazing reminds you that the best things in life are free. It reminds you to take a breath and remember how good it feels to be alive. It urges you to pause and spend time with the ones that you love. Stargazing is a simple pleasure that anyone can enjoy.

You gain perspective

The petty concerns of our lives can sometimes seem so important and overwhelming. However, when you are faced with the enormity of the night sky, you realize how minute and inconsequential your concerns are. Our short lives are but a twinkle in the journey of time. Knowing this helps you to have a balanced view of your achievements and failures.

The perspective that stargazing brings is important. The vastness of the universe reminds us of our shared humanity on this small planet. By de-centering the self, we become more aware of the common fate of all life and feel more connected to the other beings on Earth. We become more open, more empathetic, and more compassionate towards others.

Find peace and serenity

There is something immensely comforting about the infinite sky. It is a testament that life goes on, as it always has and always will. Compared to stars that are billions of years old, human history is but a heartbeat. In the sky, there are no boundaries and no worries about tomorrow. What seems chaotic follows the natural rhythm of time and space.

The sky shows us that many things are out of our control. We cannot change the weather, move the clouds, make the moon full, or decide which constellations shine the brightest. Yet, the night always astounds with its displays of magnificence and beauty. Perfection exists in nature. The universe prevails. In this, we can shrug off our worldly woes and find solace and peace.

Free your imagination

As we get older, we lose our sense of wonder. Stargazing helps to awaken our inherent curiosity and amazement. Why are we here? Where did the universe come from? In the face of the night sky, one cannot help but ask questions. We may know the theories that science and religion provide, but we continue to search for an answer that speaks to our souls.

The star-scape is a playground for the imagination. Ancient man saw animals and human shapes in the placement of the stars. What can you see? You may see a robot where others see the Great Bear or three dancers where others see Orion’s belt. The sky offers endless opportunities for you to exercise your childish wonder and imaginative freedom.

How to enjoy the night sky

The best way to enjoy the night sky is to place a blanket in your backyard and lie down. Stargazing is a wonderful way to spend an evening with your partner or children. Looking up to the stars while lying on your back makes you feel like you are in nature’s amphitheater. Do not be surprised if you find yourself drifting off to sleep!

If you live somewhere too cold to stargaze outdoors, why not install a skylight or a glass conservatory that will allow you to enjoy the beauty of the night sky while staying indoors? You can also buy a telescope to get a closer view of the constellations from the comfort of your home. Amateur telescopes are affordable and very easy to position and install.

Buy night sky paintings to bring the beauty of the stars into your home. With a painting, you can enjoy the serenity and mystery of the night sky even during the day. Best of all, you can have paintings in any room of the home. You can revel in the wonder of the stars in your bedroom or add much-needed perspective to your home office.

The night sky is more than just a pretty scene. It invokes feelings of hope, peace, wonder, and harmony. It inspires you to connect, to dream, and to wish for a more beautiful world. Next time you come home from work or take out the bins after dinner, take two minutes to pause and look up to the sky. Breathe in the expanse of the universe and awaken your soul.

Brand Composition: The Concept of Brand Broken Down to Its Pieces


Over the last century, much ink has been spilled defining what a brand is. From a mark that denotes ownership of livestock to graphic elements that distinguish one line of products from another to intangible emotional association with a company, the definition of a brand has evolved to encompass all attributes that make up a commercial (or non-commercial) entity’s essence of being.

In understanding the brand concept, perhaps it is best to employ the old adage, “the whole is more than the sum of its parts.” The system that emerges out of a collection of unified brand elements has properties beyond the aggregate characteristics of individual components, just like how the words in this body of text, when arranged as such, convey concepts beyond the meaning each word holds individually.

The components that build a brand can be defined clearly, which is what we intend to do in this article, but the brand itself has an intangible quality that needs to be perceived and felt.

Brand Identity and the Senses

Our conception of the external world and our experience in it is mediated through our innate bodily senses, and appealing to these senses constitutes a big part of the branding process. Companies leverage branding in visual, auditory, and even tactile, olfactory, and gustatory forms to communicate values, achieve differentiation, and connect emotionally with customers, cultivating a certain perception in their minds.

Brand identity, therefore, is defined as anything and everything associated with an organization that can be sensed. Since we are visual creatures, visual identity plays a central role in influencing the audience’s perceptions. However, brand identity is not limited to visual identifiers such as brandmarks, color palettes, typography, graphics, and illustrations. It includes other sensory elements such as sounds, smells, and textures.

Brand identity assets are vessels developed to hold and disseminate meaning. Without a unifying idea as their backbone, they are conducive to nothing but genericism and confusion.

Brand Values and Attributes

Each brand has a business function without which it cannot survive. But the differentiating factor is the broader contribution of a brand to its audience and the wider world; that is what gives meaning to the work of the business.

Brand values are the core principles that a company believes in and stands for. Their primary purpose is to serve as an internal compass that guides the brand in its decision-making. Brand attributes, on the other hand, are raw emotional and psychological associations that a customer aligns with a brand. These attributes provide ease of understanding and help customers identify with a certain brand in an ocean of alternatives.

Although these brand elements are considered internal variables, they are manifested externally in every aspect of a brand’s actions and behaviors, especially if they are consistently adhered to. Some companies even take a step further and personify their values and attributes into characters and mascots. With distinctive appearances and personalities, these characters are the stars of advertising campaigns, searing certain images into consumers’ minds. Character trademarks such as Geico’s Gecko and the Burger King mascot are perfect examples of such brand personifications.

Brand Messaging and Communication

In practical terms, brand messaging is comprised of every piece of communication that a brand sends out into the marketplace across all touchpoints. It is built upon a collection of key messages that all come together to shape the idea that a brand aims to instill in the mind of the audience. Brand messaging has its roots in the brand core message, which is a distillation of what a brand seeks to communicate to its audience, which, in turn, is shaped and formed by the brand’s values and principles. However, brand messaging allows companies to avoid repetition by providing a framework through which verbal expressions can be crafted.

Tone of Voice

If brand messaging dictates what should be said, tone of voice determines how it should be said. It is about communicating and delivering the message in a consistent way through the right words, cadence, rhythm, volume, enunciation, etc.

The tone of voice, for example, determines whether a brand is loud and enthusiastic in its communications or quiet and reserved, whether it uses industry jargon with long, ornate sentences or easy-to-understand plain English. The tone of voice in branding is akin to a stylebook in journalism. It provides a set of guidelines on the use of language to encourage coherence in communications so that they are always in line with the brand’s attributes and objectives.

Brand Positioning

Positioning is defined as how a brand distinguishes itself to its audience from its competitors. It underscores why a brand differs from its competitors and why the audience should care. To achieve that, a company uses all of the brand elements discussed above to position itself relative to the other brands that already occupy space in the consumers’ minds. Rarely is it the case that a business has to create a new market. Rather, companies usually have to make their products or services more visible to their would-be consumers in an overcrowded marketplace. Positioning is a tool that allows brands to achieve the necessary distinction for market penetration.

Things You Need to Know About Working in the Sports Industry


If you’re passionate about sports, working in the sports industry might be a dream come true for you. But there are a few things that you need to know before making the jump. Here are some of the most important things that you need to know about working in the sports industry, including job opportunities and what it’s really like to work in this exciting field!

The sports industry is a broad term that can encompass many different types of jobs and businesses. Generally, it refers to the businesses and organizations that are involved in the production, marketing, and operations of sporting events and equipment. This can include everything from professional sports teams, to fitness companies, to broadcast networks. Jobs in the industry can be as diverse as being a recruiter, a physical therapist, or working for a sports betting company calculating statistics such as MLB odds.

If you don’t quite have what it takes to be a professional sports person yourself, or you simply love sports, working in the sports industry could be a great option for you. But there are some things about working in the industry that might surprise you. Here are some of the main things you need to know.

Business First

Since sport is something people associate with leisure, individuals who enter the sports industry may think that jobs in the sector are laidback. But that’s not always the case. Like any business, working in the sports industry requires a professional attitude and approach. Whether you’re working for a small start-up or a major corporation, you’ll need to be able to handle pressure, meet deadlines, and work well with others. You’ll need to be professional at all times, and the focus of your job will ultimately be about meeting business objectives.

You’ll Need To Network

Another thing you need to know about working in the sports industry is that networking is key. The industry is all about relationships, so it’s important to be able to build and maintain strong relationships with others. You’ll need to be able to network with people at all levels, from those who are just starting out to top executives. Attend industry events, get involved with professional organizations, and make connections. The more people you know, the better your chances of fulfilling your job description, finding a job or advancing in your career.

It’s A Competitive Industry

It’s important to understand that the sports industry is very competitive. If you’re looking for a job in the sector, you’ll need to be able to stand out from the crowd. There are a lot of people who want to work in the sports industry, so you’ll need to be able to show employers that you have the skills and qualifications that they’re looking for. Be prepared to sell yourself and your skills, and don’t give up if you don’t get the job you want right away. It’s a tough industry to get into and you may need some patience and perseverance to get in.

You’ll Have To Be Flexible On Your Working Hours

Working in the sports industry can be a bit of a juggling act, especially if you’re working for a sports team that participates in competitions. You’ll need to be able to work long hours, weekends, and even holidays. The nature of the industry means that things can change at the last minute, so you’ll need to be flexible with your time and your schedule. If you’re not used to working long hours or irregular hours, working in the sports industry might not be for you.

You Might Have To Move For Your Career

The sports industry is a global industry, and if you want to further your career, you might have to move to where the action is. This could mean relocating to another city, another state, or even another country. If you like the idea of experiencing different places and living somewhere new for a while, getting a job in the sports industry could be just the excuse you need to pack up and go somewhere new.

You Can Build Up Some Unique Expertise

Working in the sports industry can give you some unique skills and expertise that can be transferable to other sectors. If you work in the marketing department of a sports team, for example, you’ll learn how to market to a specific demographic. You’ll also learn how to deal with the media, how to manage budgets, and how to create effective marketing campaigns. On the other hand, if you coach a team, you’ll likely become a great leader and people manager, which is a valuable asset you can boast about on your resume. Many of the skills you can gain in the sports industry are transferable to other industries, so if you ever decide to leave the sports industry, you’ll have a valuable skill set that will make you attractive to potential employers elsewhere.

These are just some of the things you need to know about working in the sports industry. It’s a competitive and demanding field to work in, but if you’re up for the challenge, it can offer a rewarding and fulfilling career. If you have a passion for sports and want to work in an industry that is constantly changing and evolving, then working in the sports industry might be right for you.

How to Keep Joints Healthy


Joints are the connectors of our skeletal system. They allow us to move and function in our everyday lives. It’s important to keep them healthy so we can continue to enjoy an active lifestyle. Here are some tips on how to keep your joints healthy and pain-free!

Joint health is something that is often taken for granted until it starts to cause problems. The knees and hips can be particularly problematic for people, because they are the largest and most weight-bearing joints in the body. But any joint in the body can experience issues. Luckily, there are many things you can do to help prevent joint problems.

Warm Up And Stretch

You should warm up and stretch before any type of physical activity, even if it’s just going for a walk. Cold muscles are more prone to injury. Take a few minutes to do some light cardio and dynamic stretching (stretching with movement) to get your blood flowing and joints lubricated. If your muscles are particularly tight, this can have a knock on effect on your joints. In this case, it might be worth doing some regular activity that focuses primarily on stretching, such as yoga.

Take Vitamins And Supplements

There are a few key nutrients that are important for joint health. These include vitamins C and D, as well as omega-three fatty acids. You can get these from foods such as citrus fruits, leafy greens, oily fish, and eggs. If you don’t think you’re getting enough of these nutrients from your diet, you might want to consider taking a supplement. Glucosamine and chondroitin are also popular supplements for joint health. Research on the benefits of different vitamins is happening all the time, so look up the 2022 best vitamins for joints to choose the best ones for you.

Build Muscle Strength

Strong muscles help support your joints and can take some of the pressure off of them. This is particularly important if you have any joint issues that are causing pain. Focus on compound exercises that work multiple muscle groups at once, such as squats and lunges. These will help you build strength efficiently. If you have any pain when doing a particular exercise, stop and consult with a doctor or physical therapist before continuing.

Maintain A Healthy Weight

Carrying around extra weight puts additional strain on your joints. This can lead to pain and inflammation, particularly in the knees and hips. If you’re struggling to lose weight, talk to your doctor about a safe and healthy plan that will work for you. They might recommend making changes to your diet and lifestyle, as well as starting an exercise program.

Get The Right Exercise

Exercising regularly has lots of health benefits, and one of them is keeping your body strong enough to support the joints. The key is to find the right exercise for you, depending on whether you have any specific problem areas in your body. High-impact activities, such as running and jumping, can be hard on your joints. If you enjoy these activities, make sure to warm up properly and take breaks when needed. You might also want to consider switching to low-impact activities, such as swimming or biking, which are easier on the joints.

Consider Your Posture

Your posture can have a big impact on your joints, particularly the spine. If you’re sitting or standing for long periods of time, make sure to keep your back straight and avoid slouching. This will help reduce the strain on your joints and muscles. When lifting heavy objects, bend at the knees instead of at the waist. This will help you avoid injuring your back. If you sit at a desk for a lot of the day, this can cause lower back pain and issues with joints such as the sacroiliac joints. Consider investing in an ergonomic chair or a standing desk, and make sure you take plenty of movement breaks throughout the day.

Get Regular Checkups

See your doctor regularly, even if you’re not experiencing any joint pain. They can check for any early signs of problems and help you come up with a plan to prevent them from getting worse. If you do start to experience pain or other symptoms, make an appointment to see your doctor right away. Many people worry about getting arthritis, and although many people do get this as they get older, there are lots of options available to help reduce and manage symptoms.

Listen To Your Body

Joint pain can be a sign that something is wrong. If you’re experiencing any pain, inflammation, or stiffness in your joints, don’t ignore it. Make an appointment to see your doctor so they can diagnose the problem and recommend treatment options. In some cases, joint pain can be caused by an injury or infection. These need to be treated as soon as possible to prevent further damage.

As mentioned, joint pain can be a sign of arthritis. This is a common condition that can cause pain, stiffness, and swelling in the joints. There are many different types of arthritis, so it’s important to see your doctor to get a diagnosis. They can recommend treatments that can help relieve pain and improve joint function.

Joint pain is a common problem, particularly as we get older. There are a few things you can do to help keep your joints healthy and reduce the risk of pain. If you take a proactive approach to your joints, you’ll be able to preserve them for as long as possible.

What to Do When You Feel Homesick at College


It can be hard to adjust to college life when you’re used to living at home. You may feel homesick, anxious, and stressed out. It’s important to remember that these feelings are normal, and there are things you can do to make the adjustment easier. Here are some strategies for dealing with homesickness and making the most of your college experience.

Homesickness is a feeling of longing for home. It’s normal to feel this way when you leave home for the first time, especially if you’re going to college. Homesickness can cause feelings of sadness, anxiety, and loneliness. It can also make it hard to concentrate on your studies or enjoy your new surroundings. Some people even get physical symptoms due to homesickness, including headaches, nausea and sleep disturbances.

It’s important to remember that homesickness is normal. Most people feel it at some point in life. As a college student, this might just be the first time you are feeling it. You will get used to life at college, and most students come out the other side having absolutely loved their experience. So what can you do to help yourself through those tougher days when homesickness strikes?

Get Stuck Into College Life

The best way to combat homesickness is to get stuck into college life. Join some clubs and societies, attend social events, and meet new people. The more you do, the less time you’ll have to dwell on feeling homesick. It can also help to stay busy by doing things you enjoy. This could be anything from reading and going for walks to playing sports and exploring your new town or city.

Talk to Someone

If you’re feeling really homesick, it can help to talk to someone about it. Talk to your friends or family members, or even your college counselor. It can be helpful to hear that other people have felt the same way as you’re feeling. Talking about your homesickness can also help to lessen the feelings. If you open up to other people, especially fellow students, it will also help you to form friendships and find a network of people you can go to for support. Sometimes homesickness can develop into more serious mental health issues, so it’s important to seek help if you need it.

Don’t Let Your Studies Slip

Homesickness can make it hard to concentrate on your studies. But it’s important to try and keep up with your work. College is a big investment, and you don’t want to waste time or money by not doing well in your classes. If you’re finding it tough to focus, try studying with a friend or going to the library instead of your dorm room. If you have an essay to write, consider working on it in a cafe or in the library to feel a little buzz around you, or get some help from an essay writing service. You can also talk to your professor about how you’re feeling and see if they have any advice.

Write It Down

If you’re struggling to cope with homesickness, try writing down your thoughts and feelings. This can be in a journal or just on some paper. Sometimes, it can help to see your thoughts written down. It can also be therapeutic to write about your homesickness and how you’re coping with it. You can refer back to this another time that you’re feeling homesick to understand that there are normal peaks and troughs of college life, and you can handle it.

Go Home, But Not Too Soon

If you’re really struggling with homesickness, it’s okay to go home for a visit. But try not to go too soon after starting college, or too often. Staying away from home will help you to get used to college life and make the most of your experience. If you do go home, try and use the time wisely. Spend time with your family and friends, and do some things that you enjoy. This will help you to feel more relaxed when you go back to college. Remember you can do this anytime, but life is all about balance.

Limit Your Contact With Home When At College

This doesn’t mean having no contact with your friends and family from home. But it does mean setting some boundaries about how much you message, call and email people from home. It can be really easy to become reliant on staying in touch with home, and this will only make homesickness worse if you’re engaging more with your friends and family than with the people you’re at college with.

Exercise And Eat Well

Homesickness can sometimes make you lose your appetite or not feel like eating. But it’s important to eat well and exercise, as this will help you to feel better in yourself. Eating a nutritious and balanced diet, plus getting some exercise, will help you to deal with stress and anxiety, and it will also improve your mood. Some people look towards fast food and binge TV watching when they’re feeling down or homesick, but this can actually make you feel worse in the long run. So even if you’re not feeling great, make sure you’re still looking after yourself.

Homesickness is normal, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy to deal with. These strategies can help you get through the tough times. Remember, it won’t last forever and most people come out the other side of college life loving it. So hang in there!

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