
Impulse items are an important way to add to your store’s income and help your customers with items they are likely to need. It can be hard to know what items to offer, but it helps to picture what you clients need and who your particular clients are. Studies show that the majority of shoppers make impulse purchases, so in many cases you don’t need to convince them to buy- you just need to figure out what they already want.

In addition to finding the right items to offer, it’s also important to offer in the correct way. Ugly, cluttered, dated or cheap items are unlikely to attract attention. Your front counter is the one area of the store that all of your customers will see, and if you are unsure how to make the area attractive and appealing, it might be worthwhile to hire a decorator to help you.

Avoid Long Lines

Your customers waiting to check out isn’t always bad for business. While you do want your customers to linger for a minute at the counter, looking at the impulse items you offer, you don’t want them there long enough to get frustrated. Sometimes long lines are inevitable in small shops with only one register, but if you find it’s a common problem you might need to do something to mitigate the issue.

Attractive Counter Area

Keep your area clean and attractive. A well-maintained, attractive, classy-looking counter area will help direct your customer’s attention and will make them feel valued. It will also make your few, well-placed impulse items seem more valuable.

Avoid Clutter

Don’t allow your counter area to be covered with ledgers, notes, and items for sale. A few well-placed, attractive items are better than 10 displays crowding each other out. You want to catch their eye and make them want to buy something- a cluttered, messy, distracting counter will do neither, and your customer is likely to not even notice the sale items.

Keep it Clean

We’ve all experienced the feeling of standing in the checkout line, looking at the impulse items near the register, and finding the whole area covered with dust. Nothing tells you things are old and unwanted like seeing a layer of dust on them. No one is going to buy your impulse items if they feel like they’ve been there for years. Keep things clean, tidy, and dust-free.

Change it Up

Repeat customers don’t want to see the same old lighters and pens offered for months. A sure way to lose out on sales is by giving the appearance that no one ever buys those things. If your lighters aren’t selling, try something new. Even if they do sell, change it up every few weeks or so. Give your customers a variety and they will be more likely to be impulsive.


High-quality samples of cosmetics can be great impulse buys. Whether they are sample-size versions of products you sell, or locally made options from a store nearby, tiny bottles of scented lotions, lip balm, or breath mints can be great items. Travel size packets of tissues and personal wipes can also be a great idea, and if your customer needs those items they will be grateful to grab them in your store and avoid having to make another stop.

Common Needs

Consider offering items that people always need but forget to buy. These small, common items are things that people often keep or use in their cars or purses. Items like lip balm, sunscreen, lighters, and sunglasses make great impulse buys. If your storefront has a classier look, buy spiffier versions of these items to appeal to your customer base.

Safety Items

In the post-pandemic world, masks and hand sanitizer make great front-desk items. Consider small scented bottles of hand sanitizer or sanitizer that is unique in some other way. Also consider offering a complimentary box of masks for your customers. Locally made cloth masks can also appeal to some customer bases.

Pens and Pencils

Items like decorative pens make great impulse buys, whether as last-minute gifts or personal needs. People often find out they need a pen while they’re on the road and appreciate a small display near the register where they’re easy to grab. Stationery wholesalers offer beautiful, classy, and high-quality items in display cases.

Local Artisan Products

Featuring handmade goods from the local area is a great way to benefit your community and provide high-quality impulse items to your customers. From cheaper items like locally printed postcards to more expensive things like homemade soaps, artisan items can be classy and unique.


Keep candy or other snack items near the register where people can see them easily. Depending on your clientele, consider sourcing locally made candies or offering more gourmet versions. You can never go wrong with a small basket of complimentary chocolates- consider offering larger versions of the same item for sale. If they are delicious, your repeat customers will know that after trying the complimentary versions and be more ready to buy.