Our activities are split between the labs at Stony Brook University (at the Department of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering) and Brookhaven National Laboratory (at the Department of Chemistry).
BNL Research Group: Structure and Dynamics of Applied Nanomaterials
Group leader:
Prof. Anatoly I. Frenkel
Research Associates:
Dr. Prahlad Routh
Dr. Nicholas Marcella (visiting postdoc from UIUC)
Graduate Students:
Ms. Shuting Xiang
Mr. Kaifeng Zheng
Mr. Rafat Aunkon
Ms. Yongchun Xiang
Mr. Weixuan Huang
Visiting Scientist:
Dr. Ryuichi Shimogawa (Mitsubishi Chemical Corp., Japan)
High School Student:
Sophie D’Halleweyn (Bronx School of Science)
Recent Group Alumni
Dr. Yuanyuan Li (Research scientist in the group. Currently – Staff scientist at Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Dr. Erjia Guan (Postdoc in the group. Currently – Scientist in Chevron)
Dr. Harishchandra Singh (Postdoc in the group. Currently – in The University of Oulu, Finland)
Dr. Janis Timoshenko (Postdoc in the group. Currently -Group Leader, Fritz Haber Institute)
Dr. Jing Liu (Postdoc in the group, Currently – Professor, Manhattan College)
Dr. Qi Wang (Research scientist in the group)
Dr. Anitha Patlolla (Postdoc in the group)
Dr. Relja Vasic (Postdoc in the group)
Dr. Yang Liu (SBU PhD ’22). Currently – data scientist in Meta.
Dr. Nicholas Marcella (SBU PhD ’21. Currently – a Postdoc at UIUC, stationed in our BNL group)
Dr. Jiahao Huang (SBU PhD ’19)
Dr. Yiyao Tian (SBU PhD ’20. Currently – Scientist at Sigray)
Dr. Amani Ebrahim (SBU PhD ’20. Currently – a Postdoc at SLAC)
Dr. Junying Li (SBU PhD ’22)
Dr. Haodong Wang (SBU PhD ’23. Currently – in Applied Materials)
Mr. Mahdin Mahboob (SBU M.Sc. ’23)