South Fork Wind Telemetry Project

The South Fork Wind Telemetry project aims to assess potential impact of the export cable from the South Fork Wind Farm on important fish species using acoustic telemetry.​ The entire array consists of 43 receivers with 20 of them being in a fine-scale array (A.K.A. VPS). The VPS allows us to track fine scale movements of target species in and around the study site. The project will run from August 2021 – December 2025​ focusing on locally valuable species such as Striped Bass,​ Summer& Winter Flounder,​ Little & Winter Skates,​ Atlantic Sturgeon,​ Local shark species
Active Students: Ashley Nicoll, Maria Manz, Madison Muehl
Map by Ashley Nicoll.


Each color represents movement of one Striped Bass and X’s indicate receivers in 2022. The smaller the point, the deeper that the fish was detected. Map by Ashley Nicoll.
Each color represents the movement of one Clearnose Skate and X’s indicate receivers in 2022. Map by Ashley Nicoll.