Monthly Archives: January 2015

Chancellor Nancy Zimpher Gathers Feedback From Stony Brook Students

On Wednesday, January 15 SUNY Chancellor Nancy Zimpher gathered a group of Stony Brook students to discuss the impact of SUNY and Stony Brook on their lives.  She met with around 30 students and hear stories about why the decided to come to Stony Brook, the advantages of attending a SUNY school and gave suggestions for SUNY that may help future students.

Our Video Production Group videotaped the event so it could be used by the Chancellor to help rally support for SUNY.  Rich F. ran the audio while Tony, Greg and Keith were on camera.IMG_0496 IMG_0493 IMG_0498IMG_0490

Winter Graduation Update

On December 18, 2014 Stony Brook Held its first Graduation Ceremony in the new Island Federal Credit Union Arena. Nearly 3,000 friends and family watched as 1,571 students received  their diplomas.

Bill, Dave, Tony and Roberto from our Video Services team provided the eyemag for the score board and provided the live stream of the event.  (206 people viewed the live stream.)

Following is Dr. Stanley’s Address to the new Alumni!



SB Capture Update – FALL 2014

Its been another busy semester for the Echo360 lecture capture system

421,146 recordings were viewed during the Fall Semester
2,320 recordings were made during the Fall Semester
Over 12,000 recordings have been made since we began in 2008

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