Category Archives: Uncategorized

Staller 3022 gets new 70″ flat panel TV

Mike (from our Media Systems Eng Group) just finished up installing a new 70″ TV in Staller 3022 computer lab.  These 70″ flat panels are becoming cost effect solutions in smaller rooms.  Their picture usually beats a larger, projected image.  The picture is brighter and more crisp than a projector.

Staller 3022

Lecture Capture Sees Continued Growth

I got caught using a little hyperbole this week when I stated that “we are seeing exponential growth” in the number of lecture capture views.  Perhaps I should just say “significant, consistent growth.”  The following chart shows the number of views over the last ten semesters (Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer.)


New AV System in Discovery 152 this Winter.


SoMAS was given a new classroom space this winter.  We took advantage of the rehab of the room to install a new, walk up media system.  Rich T. took lead on this project.  The computer, monitor and keyboard are inside the wall station shown on the right.  The keyboard and monitor can be accessed via the tambour door. All the rest of the electronics are secured in the upper section.  Keeps a clean look when closed.

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Staller 2310 and 2318 get finishing touches

It’s another snowy day at Stony Brook – chance to catch up on paperwork.  Rich T and Mike are finishing the install of new walk up media stations in Staller 2310 and 2318.  The media station is the new standard for “walkup systems.”  This room is a little different since we used a wall mounted, short throw projector.  We also beefed up the sound system to accommodate Music classes held in the room.

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Snowy day at Stony Brook

On campus at 7:00 AM and about seven degrees, even less with the windchill.  We have a delayed opening (11:00 AM.) The local roads are pretty bad.  But, as usual, campus looks ready for business.  You have to respect these guys – Working all night to get campus ready.  Great Job Guys!
