Three Life Science Classrooms Get Interactive Smart Boards

Rich H. lead the Media Systems Engineering team in the installation of Smart Boards in Life Sciences rooms 054, 058, 060.  The Teacher Education program uses this technology to train future teachers.  These Smart Boards can also be used as data projectors allowing instructors to use their laptops to give presentations. Great job guys!

2015 Life Sciences Smart Boards (2) 2015 Life Science Smart Boards (2) 2015 Life Science Smart Boards (1)

Two New Distance Learning Classes Added this Semester

Professor Anna Geiskerik has introduced a new, second year, undergraduate Russian Language class that includes students from SUNY New Paltz and Stony Brook. This is a Russian heritage class is taught in Russian for students who seek improvement in writing and reading the Russian language. Professor Geisherik uses the SMART Notebook software and the SMART Podium in tandem to annotate notes for students. She also utilizes the international keyboard available (via MacOS) to type out text in Russian for her students to practice reading both handwritten and typed Russian.

Professor Xianfeng Gu has introduced a new graduate course that includes students meeting at JP Morgan’s Manhattan office as well as graduates students in Ohio. This class focuses on the study of visual analytics and visualization techniques. Professor Gu switches between his laptop (for specialized software) and the installed computer running SMART Notebook and the SMART Podium in tandem for drawing and annotating course material.

These classes are being taught in the video conference classroom in Frey Hall. They join other video conference programs including the long standing Honors class taught in cooperation with the United Nations and Physical Therapy classes shared with Southampton. Rich Stein from our AV office worked with Professors Geiskerik and Gu, as well as the technicians at the remote facilities, to make these classes happen. Good Job Rich!


Chancellor Nancy Zimpher Gathers Feedback From Stony Brook Students

On Wednesday, January 15 SUNY Chancellor Nancy Zimpher gathered a group of Stony Brook students to discuss the impact of SUNY and Stony Brook on their lives.  She met with around 30 students and hear stories about why the decided to come to Stony Brook, the advantages of attending a SUNY school and gave suggestions for SUNY that may help future students.

Our Video Production Group videotaped the event so it could be used by the Chancellor to help rally support for SUNY.  Rich F. ran the audio while Tony, Greg and Keith were on camera.IMG_0496 IMG_0493 IMG_0498IMG_0490

Winter Graduation Update

On December 18, 2014 Stony Brook Held its first Graduation Ceremony in the new Island Federal Credit Union Arena. Nearly 3,000 friends and family watched as 1,571 students received  their diplomas.

Bill, Dave, Tony and Roberto from our Video Services team provided the eyemag for the score board and provided the live stream of the event.  (206 people viewed the live stream.)

Following is Dr. Stanley’s Address to the new Alumni!



SB Capture Update – FALL 2014

Its been another busy semester for the Echo360 lecture capture system

421,146 recordings were viewed during the Fall Semester
2,320 recordings were made during the Fall Semester
Over 12,000 recordings have been made since we began in 2008

123 124

Video Services – Behind the Scenes at the President’s State of the University Address

Dr. Stanley gave his annual State of the University Address on Wednesday (Sept 17,2014) The Team at the Staller Center did a fantastic job on the stage, lighting and sound. Always a pleasure working with these pros!

The Video Services team setup a temporary control room backstage so Tony could direct the three camera operators (Roberto, Dave and Greg.) The program was also live-streamed to the University’s Ustream site. The stream was very popular. We had 218 unique views of the live stream. (Maximum 163 concurrent views)

Check out the video

Another Step Forward in BYOD Support. Wireless projection of Apple Products now Available in Over 20 Classrooms

A cool new feature of the Apple TV is its ability to create a wireless connection to Apple devices through AirPlay. Once connected, the audio and video from the instructor’s computer, IPAD or IPhone is streamed live to the data projector through the Apple TV. The instructor is now free to walk around the room while presenting content from their IOS device. Using apps such as Doceri, Splashtop, Flow Draw, Jot or EverNote will provide a new level of flexibility and interaction.

Connection is easy. Choose the Apple TV from the room’s touch screen. Open Airplay on your Apple device, choose the appropriate classroom from the list then enter the 4 digit pass code that appears on the projection screen. It’s that easy.

*BYOD – Bring Your Own Device. Please note that some features may not be supported on your devic

President Stanley’s Speech on Ebola

On September 3rd, Dr. Stanley gave a great presentation on the risks of Ebola. As an expert in infectious diseases, he was able to speak to clinicians while keeping informative and entertaining for the rest of us.

Bill Cusick lead the team as the show’s director. Greg and Tony were on camera for the show. The live stream was one of the most popular we have ever produced. 591 people logged in to see the stream (292 concurrent views.) That is about 30% more than graduation!

The lecture is available on the University’s YouTube site.

Three HSC Classrooms Get SMART AV systems

Rich, Rich and Mike finished installing the new SMART Lecterns and AV systems in HSC L3-155, L3-152 and L2-160 classrooms. These newly equipped rooms include a lectern with touch screen room system controller, computer (windows and MAC OS), Blu-ray player, Smart Podium interactive graphics tablet (smart board), sound system and projector. The rooms are also equipped with a data projector, sound system and automated lecture computer system (Echo360.) We hope that the computer network issues will be resolved soon so faculty can take advantage of these new facilities.
