Possible Solution
Peace talks with world leaders for a neutral Ukraine are best for everyone. We need to keep in mind the Ukraine population is not homogeneous. The country is split ethnically, culturally, and politically. There is no singular will that will satisfy the country if this means allying with Russia or the EU. Neutrality would not only keep the country of Ukraine more at peace but it would create peace among all International Relation affiliates involved.
Complications of this Solution
While a neutral Ukraine would be the quickest and surest road to peace, this decision would set a precedent where larger and more militarily powerful countries can decide the alliances and actions of smaller countries. Pure neutrality leaves citizens of smaller countries largely vulnerable to invasion and asymmetric conflict. It also raises questions about the validity of the democracy, because if the citizens of a country overwhelmingly want to join an organization like NATO or ally with a country like Russia, their voices may not be represented if leadership must always act according to the demands or in the interest of larger countries.
Is the quickest and surest road to peace always the best option? Is it the best option in Ukraine’s case? Is the damaging of a nation’s autonomy more or less dangerous than physical combat and loss of life?