- Annie Leibovitz
- Annie Leibovitz
- Annie Leibovitz
- George Hurrell
- George Hurrell
- George Hurrell
- George Hurrell
- George Hurrell
- George Hurrell
- George Hurrell
- George Hurrell
- George Hurrell
“FACE” was inspired by the George Hurrell who was a famous photographer back in the 20s for his glamorous portraits he took of Hollywood celebrities. Another more famous and epic photographer who gave her inspiration for this project was Annie Leibovitz. The photographer, Grace Shin, took a twist between the two ways Hurrell and Leibovitz have portrayed celebrities of the past and present in their storytelling. By taking a spin on how media has influenced youth and people’s tastes on fashion, beauty and lifestyle, Grace decided to use herself as a subject to reflect how such high-end magazines and trends trickled down and contributed to her eye and decision-making when it comes to self-presentation. There is a performance art though the entire creative process from styling herself with her best and more expensive clothes to wearing makeup and posing in front of the camera as someone else, the artist was able to make a self-analysis and challenge her ideals, desires, aspirations, and even her creative eye. One quote Annie stated that resonated with the artist throughout her research was “No matter how posed a picture is, it is still a moment.” She found that special in both George Hurrell’s work as well. No matter how posed a model is before the camera through the choice of the subject or photographer, a story still exists. What is the story people wish to present to themselves and the world?