Solution of Focus and Criteria
- The solution of Focus: Warm Blanket
- Alternate Solution: a Cream/Jelly
- Top 3 Design Criteria: Temperature, Ease of Use/Accessibility, and Hygiene
- Infants ideal internal temperature
- Roughly 36.3 +/- .52 C
- Temperature of the device
- Should not burn the infant
- The design
- Would be ideal if there were thermometers installed on the device.
- Should be able to change the device’s temperature.
- Installed thermometers
- Ideally be able to measure the temperature of the child and the blanket
- It takes a newborn about 2 to 3 months to have a matured immune system.
- The device must be clean after being sterilized and can be properly reused, without posing a threat to the newborn’s health.
- The Design
- The device should be hygienic and should keep the newborn clean
- Removable/detachable cloth components to allow it to be reused.
- Cloth should be able to absorb any blood (prevents slipping and helps to gently clean the child).
Ease of Use
- Access to child
- Must be able to examine child
- Must be able to access child easily for medical procedures
- Minimal tubes, wires and peripherals
- Prevents tangling and confusion
- Prevents entanglement of child
- Simpler design- easier to understand and use
- Concise displays and alerts
- Prevents confusion
- Allows for quick assessment
- Avoids distraction