Project 1
Grandma is one of my most important family members, so I hope to record the daily life of family members through my camera.
Task 3
project 2
project 3
Actually, the third and sixth photos are taken from the same scene, but after different processing, the effects are quite different.
task 5
I first adjusted the tone of the city part of the picture to make it consistent with the deep space background, and then Rotated the picture 180 degrees, turning the city part into the sky. By doing this, I hope to impress the audience. Then I took another image of a man falling and made it into a silhouette, showing a lone man falling from the city into the vast sky. There are many similarities between cities and the universe. For example, in the diverse society of cities, there are different RACES and people of different ages. It’s the same thing in the universe, there are planets, stars, comets, and so on, but there are also newborn stars, active stars in their prime, and old stars. The falling man became the medium between the city and the universe.
my inspiration is coming from Van Gogh’s Starry Night.
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