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reflecting on my year

What were some of those goals?

Some goals i had were to pass the class and become a better writer and i doubt any of that is gonna happen.

What did you struggle with in this course?

I Struggled alot in the class and don’t even know how or why . I just failed everything

What did you feel came easily to you?

NOTHING came easy, I had to work extra hard to attempt to pass the class

What were some of the assignments that you enjoyed?’

The assignments i enjoyed were the assignments that were relatable like social media  talks and stuff like that

I still can’t really write so i dont think i learned or gained any skills but i enjoyed it

research paperrrr


         Social Media Vs Mental Health


Connecting with other people and sharing ideas are a human instinct. From the beginning of time,when cavemen first discovered inventions like the wheel it was the start of a revolutionary way to advance society. Evolution is what drives humans to create technology, study species and build efficient civilizations. As evolution occurs and life spreads to every corner of the earth ideas,experiences and beliefs start to change and differ from others. Hence the reason for social media. Social Media was created as a world wide bulletin board for expressing yourself, connecting with new and old people,educating and various other uses. The very first social media, after the creation of the internet,was Six Degree created in 1997 and named after the six degrees of separation theory that every living creature is six steps away from another. Six Degree laid the groundwork for Social Media giants like Facebook. Furthermore, facebook is newer and has the ability to adapt to the needs of communication and growing technology allowing it to be a viable platform. As society grows farther away from tradition communication and rely on social media platforms, the correlation between adverse effects to one’s mental health begin to grow.

First of all, Social Media is addictive. It may not be addicting like smoking or drinking but, it has a subconscious psychological grip on your brain; especially on generation born into the new era of technology. Suren Ramasubbu Entrepreneur, startup founder, and technology strategist, States “15 and 19 year olds spend at least 3 hours per day on average using platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram 28 percent of iPhone users check their Twitter feed before they get out of bed in the morning”.Now for all the people that have iphones in the world  28% is huge, and with that being said it doesn’t account for users who don’t have iphones but an android instead. The people who wake up and check their social media rises. Well in a sense that doesn’t prove it’s addicting . The signs of addiction become evident with time and usage.

Social Media has grown to an unbelievably big platform with so much more than just sharing leading to after effects. Some effects are not easily reversible.According to Alice G. Walton a PhD holder in biopsychology and contributor to forbes magazine, states “addiction criteria, such as neglect of personal life, mental preoccupation, escapism, mood modifying experiences, tolerance and concealing the addictive behavior, appear to be present in some people who use [social networks] excessively”. Much like diagnosable addictive disorders, social media users have the same characteristics. There life may evolve around social media or progressively develop into it and social media to reality.

Well, what makes social media so addicting? The obvious answer would be entertainment. When a person isn’t doing anything they tend to want to find something to stimulant them. With the vast and endless entertaining and videos that get shared on social media sites it’s only a matter of time. Scientifically speaking, Once again Suren Ramasubbu explains “In terms of neuroscience, the “dorsomedial prefrontal cortex”, the part of the brain that engages in social interaction, creates empathy to other people’s thoughts and feelings, and help us make judgements about other people. Such judgements are vital– the speed of judging if “the man with a spear will throw the spear at me” has been the reason we exist today, and any activity that engages the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex is perceived as being important and thus non-optional. The fact that social media sites engage the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex could be a reason for the natural proclivity to social media compulsive use”. Facebook and platforms alike are literally technological extensions of our brain. It becomes addicting because the human brain craves social interaction with people in all shapes and forms. Memes, videos, other peoples conversation, foods and ideas all play into social interaction. The more social aspects placed together the more psychologically addictive it is.

Furthermore, addiction and social dependance are just the beginning. The use of social media platforms unintentionally effect well-being. With interactions such as cyber-bullying or neglect it tends to hurt receiving negativity. For instance, it’s easier to get rejected by people you know, but because social media is on a global scale negative comments are magnified and amplifies that harsh feeling..



“She said I’m the only one she talks to and then she said April fools 😪💔”


This post was oddly posted for likes , so I posted it for attention. It was a joke At this point in life i just wanted to get likes on all my post and get facebook famous. I wanted everyone to see it and share it . Much like they do today.

I wanted my audience which was literally all of the world to laugh and like my post. I wanted comments adds and shares.

I believe the reason I didn’t post it on any other outlet because i didn’t have any other social that i had a lot of friends or followers on. On instagram i wouldn’t have gotten all the likes and shares.

i added emojis to act as if i was sad but i definitely was not . I never really add hashtags and those things , iv’e always felt like it was extra.

I knew that on facebook people posted dumb stuff on their wall for people to laugh at. I think before i posted i sat and pondered on a status to make for April fools day just for likes. A day like April fools was the perfect set up to get likes . Plus I didn’t have much family on facebook at the time so i wasn’t worried about them seeing

The only person i could think of that i wouldn’t want to see it is probably the girl i was talking to. If she saw she’d probably think i was talking to more girls than just her because she didn’t say that. Looking back at it today i just laugh , i was always hilarious. Also seeing it now I probably should’ve gotten more likes than i got . Continue reading

cover letter

  1. March 27, 2018

    Re: Chief Compliance Officer

    To whom this may concern

    Im writing to express my interest in the Chief Compliance Officer position available at the Family Service League . I currently have a Double master’s degree in Law and Business Management from Harvard University. I’m interested in managing health care professionals to help ensure a safe climate for all patients while protecting the company from legal infractions . In doing this i hope to build stable relationship between consumer and provider. My experience in college built my ability to not only connect well with other people but communicate at a high levels.

    My 5 Years at Harvard studying law I’ve learned the ins and outs of the Judicial system. Not to mention the internships I’ve a received at prestigious companies furthering my knowledge of the courtroom. I’ve learned how to gather evidence, think critically , and build a people skills.While I studied law for the last 5 years, I began to understand the point behind specific laws that seems more harmful then beneficial. My business background led me to understand the needs of my peers in a respective area. With that being said I understand the people around me.


    I am excited to work with a department who puts family first . I believe my abilities and high education have properly prepared me for working with a respectable department.

What Holds America Together

David Brooks , an editor for the meritorious “New York times” Newspaper, shares his idea of what keep Americans together. He uses a scientific approach to encourage the reader to listen to a scientist rather than a journalist. Brooks states ” Despite our differences, we devote our lives to the same experiment, the American experiment to draw people from around the world and to create the best society ever, to serve as a model for all humankind”. He gives himself higher credibility by treating his observations and ideas more like an experiment. Instead of listening to a journalist from new york you’re reading and articulating a scientist from harvard. He talks about walt witmans, essay specifying that democracy teaches how to become “high class men”. Brooks talks bout whitmans philosophy on his post-civil war beliefs. He thought with all of the cons of the civil war there would be unity but instead the opposite happen. A Large part of that he explained, is class systems in Europe denied unity and that america would fall back to European lifestyle. Nonetheless, The author believes unity is an experiment that all people subliminally follow and want to take part in by doing that creates a bond that all people share and that hold america together. All the different people trying to live amongst each other.

Is torture a complete violation of human rights?

Describe your topic and state which side you will argue in your paper. Why did you choose this topic? Why do you think it’s important to discuss? Look into some background information about your topic and include some of it here. Think about what might important for the reader to know about your topic before they delve into your paper.

My topic is on torture on civilians in order to coerce them to give a confession or give up information. I choose to the side of ending it because of the affects it has on more than just the tortured. I chose this topic because I have family members in the army and I’ve heard stories of things thats happen to their comrades. Also I believe it’s important to discuss because torturers come from many places and sometimes they come from the government. and if the government can torture people it can torture you. For example Human experimentation on human in the soviet union and north korea. I feel like the reader should know that this is a serious problem and a big deal and how it could affect them and be a big problem in the future especially with tensions between nations rising . Maybe even a little bit of history would be useful for the topic

What claims are you ultimately going to make about your stance? What reasons will you give to back those claims? What kind of evidence will you use?

I plan to make claims on the perspective of the tortured and torturer and how it affects them. Then ill zoom out and look at how it affects nations , the view of nations and the people of the nation and explain how it has a negative impact on the people and the trust of the people in the nation.

What counterarguments could you anticipate about your stance?

A counter argument for not being able to torture someone is the exact reason its used for. “If we don’t use force and torturing methods, how will we find crucial information that wont be found out otherwise”.The answer to that is : there is another way and there is an answer. Torturing isn’t only used for on humans though . Humans abuse animals psychologically and Physically. And it’s justified usually because the person is trying to obtain dominance/ obedience over the animal. Which goes without say, isn’t really a good justification.

sedaris response


The story was very long but covered such a small topic . It feels like the story of many New Yorkers that probably what happen to me when i was younger i moved around alot until my parents were financially stable and well off .

When the author spoke about not believing in tv’s that impacted me on a personal level because in high school my senior year i was hospitalized for depression and sent to mental hospital but , that isn’t even half the story.When i was in the hospital there was a creepy guy that was scared of tvs and other electronics and it always through me off . Still to this day i think of what could set that type of phobia into somebody . “What must it be like to be so ignorant and alone?” What would make someone that scared of tvs and its small variety of possibilities. I thought it could be the movie “the ring” where the monster comes out of the screen but i’ll never know.

The story didn’t challenge my thoughts as much i feel it should’ve it definitely opened my minds to the different ways people see things. I try to be as opened minded as possible and hear other ideas, thoughts, choices. Everyone is entitled to your their opinion so it doesn’t affected mine. Unlike mr tomkey “Word spread that Mr. Tomkey did not own a television, and you began hearing that while this was all very well and good, it was unfair of him to inflict his beliefs upon others, specifically his innocent wife and children” where if he doesn’t believe in tv no one in his family can believe in it.


I liked that i can relate to the story and that i know what he’s talking about . I gives the story alittle more interest and connection. It makes for a better story to read when you can understand the author on a different level .

In my opinion , I didn’t enjoy it as a work of art it was just story i’ve read before with a different other and a slightly different context .”Word spread that Mr. Tomkey did not own a television, and you began hearing that while this was all very well and good, it was unfair of him to inflict his beliefs upon others, specifically his innocent wife and children” (sedaris 1).

“What must it be like to be so ignorant and alone?” ( Sedaris 1 )

the parallels of love essay draft by taje nelson


When Vybz kartel dropped the album King of the dancehall it initially sounded like another classic album by the world renowned gaza leader. With Vybz Kartel being in jail, other artist began to “come up” Previous to the drop of this album, his tension with Alkaline,another artist, rose to new heights leading fans to believe this album was going to be a rebuttal to many of alkaline’s claims of being the new king of the dancehall. However , Jamaica was low on unity and Vybz Kartel uses his soapbox as a public figure who people not only look up to him but aspire to be. His break out song “Fever” revolutionized dancehall by changing the delivery of a melancholy topic and making it upbeat for everyone to not only enjoy at parties and functions but gives an underlying meaning to think about after. Vybz kartel pulls at your heartstrings with pathos,  and takes you to court with ethics to spread his belief of love to his fan base around the world .

From the very first bar , Vybz Kartel, oozing with feelings, creates an r&b mood with his melancholy high pitch voice . The voice of the artist is one of his many persona . In fact many of his songs have different sounding voices when he speaks on different topics. For Instance, “Xoxo my love is very special” said with a very . Starting off with “xoxo” refers to hugs and kiss, which are affectionate actions they puts the idea of love in your mind and like r&b songs do they cause your feelings to become heightened and aroused. Where love is not very prevalent, Vybz Kartel decided love music is what his people of the caribbean islands need.

Through pathos the main message behind the song “Fever” is to love and never take someone else or their love for granted. Vybz kartel plays with your heart strings every time you sing the lyrics “..and don’t take me for granted” because in reality throughout friendships , companionships and relationships in general individuals experience the feeling of being taken for granted or not being up to par with for something they want. He continues “So much things I did not say” this sounds like your classic relationship. Vybz kartel is literally speaking to the hearts of everyone. Mothers and children, wives and husbands , teachers and students, all come to feel that they could have said something or have done something better when they look back on a situation. Kartel uses that to his advantage and incorporates that in the chorus in order to repeat it and get his message across.