Timra Tomengo

video Info
  • Advisor: Patricia Maurides

    Artist Statement

    This project is a visual journal using the cyanotype method to cope with the stressful time we are in right now. I am currently creating visual narratives with things I find outside and inside my house. The project transformed from the observation of flowers and plant growth into the documentation and meditation of them. My initial expected outcome for the project was to make a narrative with all the prints I created. However, since the project is still ongoing, I decided to focus on creating compositions that helped me cope with emotional stress and anxiety due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Working with the cyanotype method was a meditative experience; creating the composition and exposing the image helped me to take my mind off the pressing matters going on around and within me. I am now looking into ways to incorporate digital photography in the cyanotype print using acetate paper and creating narratives using layering and alternating exposure times for different elements.