Honors Project: Spring 2020

video Info
  • Senior Honors Project in Studio Art in Spring 2020

    We are proud to present the Senior Honors projects for Spring 2020. Students who complete Honors Projects engage in research and artistic creation, which culminates in a written thesis statement and an exhibition of their work. The students who have undertaken the Senior Honors project are exemplary both artistically and academically. They have committed to planning and creating a substantial body of work under the mentorship of a faculty member during their senior year. These projects often reach across disciplines to expand the conversation on a wide range of themes and issues. Students use this opportunity to challenge themselves with their ideas, techniques, and professionalism in installing their work in a public space for exhibition. The written component of the project gives the artist an opportunity to distill their ideas, clearly articulating the themes they explore in their visual work. This year, project media include photography, video, website design, drawing, painting, and printmaking. Honors Project themes include personal reflections on cultural traditions and familial relationships, personal anxieties, environmental and social concerns, and reflections and responses to the current pandemic.

    Lorena Salcedo-Watson
    Lecturer, Director of Undergraduate Studies


    Isak Berbic
    Patricia Maurides
    Howardena Pindell
    Jason Paradis
    Ian Alan Paul
    Maya Schindler
    Lorena Salcedo-Watson

    Spring 2020 Exhibition